>When Jacques Audiard contacted Marion Cotillard to participate in his film "De Rouille et d'os", the actress did not hesitate for a second.
>Unfortunately, she was filming "The Dark Night Rises". The actress was bound by an exclusivity contract, which prohibited her from engaging in another film for the duration of the shooting of Nolan's film.
>Refusing to let such an opportunity pass, Marion Cotillard therefore decided to lie to Christopher Nolan and his team by starting, secretly, the shooting of the Audiard film.
>Unfortunately for the actress, journalists from Variety magazine found out about the case and exposed it. If Marion Cotillard did not have to pay any compensation for this breach of her contract, the rumor says that it is for this reason that Christopher Nolan would have chosen the worst take of the death scene.
wait a second, someone public in a tdkr thread that Marion and Nolan had connected, it doesn't make sense that he deliberately ruined it, the movie as a whole is a mess
Caleb Sanders
I guess a lot of other actors in TDKR violated their contracts too
Lucas Taylor
>someone public in a tdkr thread that Marion and Nolan had connected, wat
Kayden Adams
Maybe he meant he needs to face his shit; you ever think about that?
Wyatt Price
>it is for this reason that Christopher Nolan would have chosen the worst take of the death scene. do you think maybe she was doing poorly on purpose so Nolan would fire her?
Andrew Cooper
Why would you sabatoge your own film just to spite someone who was just working?
Justin Gray
There was no chance TDKR would be a financial failure, he could take the risk.
Easton James
That entire film was filled with schlock
Easton Johnson
now i remember that it was Jonathan nolan who suggested bane and catwoman as villains
Caleb Cook
At least you can act! Who are you?
Nathaniel Carter
>Why would you sabatoge your own film just to spite someone who was just working?
being a non native speaker this expression is kinda funny and has some good stories on wiki about it >One example of these cases is that of Saint Ebba (sometimes called Æbbe the Younger), the Mother Superior of the monastery of Coldingham Priory. In AD 867, Viking pirates from Zealand and Uppsala landed in Scotland. When news of the raid reached Saint Ebba, she gathered her nuns together and urged them to disfigure themselves, so that they might be unappealing to the Vikings. In this way, they hoped to protect their chastity. She demonstrated this by cutting off her nose and upper lip, and the nuns proceeded to do the same. The Viking raiders were so disgusted that they burned the entire building to the ground with the nuns inside.