This was fucking ludicrous

This was fucking ludicrous

He would have threatened and tortured these two until he knew exactly what was going on

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Youre right. Op. Fuck you though.

only explanation i can come up with is that it occurred to him that he might be so fucked that he was tailed there and it wouldnt be safe to hurt them

because he literally was, as was shown by the shots of mike having a fucking bead on him.

kim is still a bad bitch though.

Why didn’t Lalo notice Mike and leap across to the other building?

he's going to mexico to organize her death

kim is based and made up a very convincing story on the spot but Lalo is a lunatic and I just cant see him trusting it. He either realized something was up right there or the writing is just dumb

sounds like a lalo thing lmao, anyone got that webm / gif where he drops from the ceiling? its hilarious.

but i liked this scene anyway. cool series.

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No. Kim's rant made him realize that Nacho is a mole. That's why he said they'll take a different route to Mexico.

He would still suspect their dumbass story and try to get the truth out of them even if he had realized Nacho was a mole.

Lalo never went there with the intention of killing, only to intimidate. He just got out of jail on murder charges. Kim strikes a nerve with him because she correctly points out the trust issues he has in his own faction and that Jimmy has been nothing but good to him, going above and beyond any reasonable expectations that a lawyer could provide.

What is really ludicrous is how this fake identify cartel boss is rolling around in muscle cars drawing attention to himself in a cholo mobile instead of being more cautious.

he knows their story is bullshit, he knows Jimmy's car got shot up. If he has begun to suspect Nacho then he would grill Kim and Jimmy about any connection to nacho or to Gus or whoever.

Final scene was total fanservice nonsense for the basedboy crowd

Show has jumped the shark

And if he did this where would he be getting exactly? They have no information on any of those relations because Mike has been intentionally keeping Jimmy in the dark.

A lawyer who's in a relationship with Slippin' Jimmy, known for her silver tongue throughout the show is able to barely come up with a con on the fly that she's been developing talents for since the beginning of the show. This is the moment you thought jumped the shark?

knowing about Mike, knowing that a cartel tried to rob Lalo, i think hed care a lot about that

>He would have threatened and tortured these two until he knew exactly what was going on
Says who? Lalo not the same character as Tuco or the Terminator Twins.

All you morons need to realize he’s dodging a murder trial. If there was a time to tone down the lalo level shit it would be now. Especially torturing/killing two people publicly connected to him. Kim made a compelling enough point for him too at least think, and he’s realizing he has bigger problems than Jimmy.

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Even still, Lalo has no reason to believe that Saul is connected with either of these people, even if he doesn't totally buy his story. Its more obvious to us as audience members because we know Saul and Mike have a connection.

Jumping the shark would have been Mike epically shooting Lalo though the skull and then Jesse Pinkman walks past in the background, roll credits

I don't think it's a stretch that lalo would not want to torture and kill 2 people who are no threat to him when he's trying to escape the country to evade a murder conviction.

You also aren't taking in to account that Jimmy and Kim know this story can only hold up temporarily and the finale picks up right where this one left off.

Why would Lalo torture two people he clearly needs for the future? Not only is that more heat from two people well known in the law world with attention on them but doing that would have scared them off permanently.
He wants them afraid, not running away from him. He would also be fucking dead if he did that so he made the right move, he knows Saul is afraid of something/one and that he can use Kim

you guys make some valid points

>dude why didn't he torture them
>dude why didn't heisenberg bust into the apartment throw a magic meth missile at lalo and blow him up
I don't know, maybe because it wouldn't have made any sense whatsoever you fucking smoothbrain

If he wanted to extract the real story from them it would have though he could have just threatened Kim and Saul would have given it up im sure

What's with the sudden uptick in shows that make it so the titular character is only the way he is because of a more competent woman by his side? Picard, Arrow, Saul Goodman...

but he did threaten them you fucking retard

>Yo Ima just gonna brutally fuck up my lawyer and his wife
>all the while the CIA is probably droning my ass because of 7 million bail

i mean point a gun at kim and tell saul to tell him the real story

>with a pending murder charge

He was threatening them the moment he walked into their apartment, just because he didn't immediately have a gun trained on Kim's head doesn't mean he wasn't immediately a threat. It's just not Lalo's style to do that, he's too much of a cool customer, plus if he really wanted to threaten them he would have teleported into the roof

Kim's the only reason Jimmy hasn't devolved completely in to Saul Goodman

Lads, be honest with me. Do women like Kim really exist?

gee i wonder. but kim is a good character so she gets a pass


>magic meth missle

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He's slippin' Jimmy, she's Mrs. slippin Jimmy, they are just that good at slippin