Why there's no longer sex scenes in movies?

Why there's no longer sex scenes in movies?

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Also I’m gonna need sauce on the bitch in the top left corner.

That and porn is so readily and discreetly available for free that sex is movies is no longer a draw

Top left, WHO?

Why feminism against sex in movies?

imgur.com/a/J4Uxd Shooped, but still nice.

Edgelords tabooing love making and enjoying blood and guts
We really live in an edgy backwards society

who is pink thong girl

It makes onions uncomfortable

Top row, second from the left sauce

>America wanted to kill this

for me its the qt in the red dress

That's never been true user, people like a bit of substance and porn is soulless. A mildly sexy moment in a movie will be remembered more than any porn video.

Scene from Star Trek into Darkness, look up the reaction to that. Try and find a similar scene in Hollywood mainstream a year later.

that's completely stupid and so are you

Because it isn't feminism
Females wanting to be called men, to look like men, and to distate anything sexy or sex related is the mere antithesis
Back in the day, showing more skin WAS progressive, but with the rise of undesirable landwhales, they wanted to ruin the ride for everyone
Why do you think sex work is still illegal while abortion is legal? It's because the thought of women needing to actually try a bit more and not paint their ugliness away and pursue men, knowing that a man doesn't need to put up with their bs and go to a brothel, scares them shitless

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Gynocentrism is becoming more and more persuasive every year. Average girls opinon matters much more than the one of average guy, and average girl in 2020 don't like sex THAT much by itself, feels insecure if her bf have sexy thoughts about more attractive women, thinks average men who're openly into sex are completely disgusting, so most things made to appeal to them is also disgusting and in some way immoral, and even if she is attractive she sees men thirst as source for attention and monies so she wants men attention to herself so men should less sexual outlets.
This is women SO against porn as well rn. In 2030s porn would be extremely shunned and shamed again. Just like prostitutes and sex scenes are now. Screen this post

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Holy shit this is a fucking high IQ post.

>Screen this post
Noone cares about your schizo faux prophetic social commentary.

>That's never been true user, people like a bit of substance and porn is soulless. A mildly sexy moment in a movie will be remembered more than any porn video.

>Scene from Star Trek into Darkness, look up the reaction to that. Try and find a similar scene in Hollywood mainstream a year later.

Attached: soyak2.png (194x259, 6.99K)

If I ever break up with my girl, the first thing I'm doing is flying to south east asia and fucking until my dick is worn down to a stump

Hngggg, who's the bottom left Goddess?

You are attracted to drag queens, my dude

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Only a girl or a fag would say this.

>he's not attracted to drag queens

>>>>he’s attracted to drag queens

Only a coomer would say this. And I don’t even necessarily agree with him.

>click yes I'm over 18
>page flickers but does nothing
so much for seeing what that was, also when did age verification become a thing?

My guess is the metoo movement made it a lot more awkward for top producers to finagle top dollar actresses into showing their tits.

Too all the armchair social scientists in this thread, like , woman still like sex, just not with you.

Who is bottom row second from right?

Because it’s not really feminism. Feminism has been warped into some weird socio-political control scheme to destroy culture. Look at it. It’s pop culture right now for women to hate men and are praised for shaming men and anything remotely heterosexual. Nothing to do with feminism, literally just a poisoned idea well. Why should feminists hate men or hate having children or families? How the fuck is that offensive? That’s some psycho neo-future dystopia shit.