Who is your favorite Korean actress?

Who is your favorite Korean actress?

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Son Ye-Jin and Gong Hyo-Jin

It's because of open teeth smiles, you have to open your mouth wider and it causes wrinkles.

Gentlemen, how do we rid this board of gooksimps?

Which one is supposed to be ugly and which one is supposed to be attractive?

This is yellow fever manifest

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Good taste

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>poop eyes
eww, you can keep your insects peng chan.

left: soulful eyes
right: soulless eyes

Depends on your taste, some people are into grannies
pic related

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The opinion is opposite in Korea

Is there context behind this

British actress is the attractive one, the insect is the ugly
Isn't it obvious?

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If only hapa kids weren't so fucked up

Yeah BWC

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Emilia effortlessly moggs this Generic Plastic Gook #7539

She wants a life mate with an adult sized penis as all self respecting asian women do

No I don't mean her opening her mouth makes her appear to have wrinkles, I mean her opening her mouth gives her wrinkles over time.

Pajeeta looks great, let's look at you after two aneurysms and several brain surgeries

>Emilia Clarke mogging anyone ever
emiliafags are worse than koreafags

I don't like chons they stink of garlic.

Why would you start a thread about insects with such a extreme mog, OP? Or is this a ironic thread

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Blame Yas Forums for K-pop generals

You will never pass btw

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>emiliafags are worse than koreafags
better than fags like you

Emilia is half Indian. Does she count as hapa? Indians are Asian too

this eye argument against asian women is absolutely retarded

Of I wanted to mog gooks I would've posted an actual good looking bong

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Stupid phone

Pic unrelated? Also go back, no one will ever like this xenomoprrno matter how many threads you spam about it

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Yeah asian woman are always soulless

korean and chinese women do plastic surgery to reconstruct their entire faces every 2 years, while pic related use their quirks as strengths

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You can really see a trace of her pajeet genes when she has. black hair.

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Also Emilia is 1/8 not half

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Lee Soo-Kyung 1996-

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Any actress looks good if you compared it to emilia

Shit taste man

And thats a good thing

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Emilia Clarke is beautiful because of her Indian heritage which means she also craves BWC and doesn't fuck dogs

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I dont want to get coronavirus

They both look 50. Also, white women do a lot of plastic surgery

Nobody said it was a bad thing, she cute af

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South Korea has way less corona than Bongland

Learn english
Cope, the only surgery she ever did was the brain one

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Stop replying to me, bat eater. I will magdump you, this is your last warning.

>American Actress at 33

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True that
Even on her deathbed she mogs insects and xenomorphs hard

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