This girl says you can come over in 2 hours to watch VHS tapes and play N64. What movie are you gonna ask to see?

This girl says you can come over in 2 hours to watch VHS tapes and play N64. What movie are you gonna ask to see?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do girls like this actually exist and where can I find one

>male rape victim tattoo on arm

Wow, shes hot. Cant wait to see her (penis)

i hate my life so fucking much

The collected works of Traci Lords

Girls like this have the softest fucking feet I swear to god

i want to kill myself

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I think she'd be the perfect woman if she didn't have piercings.

Would reform/10

thanks for comin by, user
want any soda or anything

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girls like this either do anal or or the worst at sex. There is no inbetween.


some mike adriano kino while we do the deed. play by play reenactment

>games hooked up on a TV that tiny
Yeah this is peak posing. Why the fuck did zoomies have to inherit this fake nostalgia millenial bullshit?

Take the piercings and tattoos away and we will tal about how pleb tier your collection of anime is. Then we will watch the movies i have at my house.

i'll have pusy juice thanks

>thinking anything there is actually hooked up

You're almost as dumb as them

Its threads like these that remind me how mentally ill and detached from society this website makes people

I want to do anal with her

you were born after 2000?

>be female
>purchase lots of products
>this is somehow a personality

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What do you expect, the average site user has been burned so many times that the mere concept of not getting burned is alien to us.

Fuck off then normalfag

First generation born in the information age, they have no nostalgia of their own and in their leech-like lifestyle of glory by proxy - follow me/follow you, mindset they co-opted the nostalgia of the generation before them like the cultural vampires they are

You can't enjoy older things compared to when you were born?
Also many of these shows had reruns on TV in the early and mid 2000's

okay i put it in this cup
i feel like playing animal crossing
either that or donkey kong
also your mom called
she's not used to having you leave the house
she wants you back home by 4pm

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> tattooes
> piercings
> still watches cartoons

0/10, would NOT fuck

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pokemon snap i guess

this isn't a gender specific thing, plenty of guys do it too

I born in 1987

She's not enjoying them, she's using nostalgia of something she didn't experience in place of a personality to gain imaginary internet points. If she just wanted to enjoy them she'd have DVDs or digital and not bother taking photos of herself posing with them

There's a difference between enjoying and consooming.
t. zoomer who grew up in shitholeistan with reruns of classic cartoon network

Not really into the whole collecting thing when everything can be gotten for free with just an internet connection, but she seems cool, would want to hangout and look at that collection.

Master and Commander, after she falls asleep halfway in I fuck her little sister instead.

What's her insta?

hipster dickhead scum.

based and deanopilled


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Never liked the N64 that much, so I guess I'll pass, tough luck.

>onions I work in media*


I'm not, she seems nice enough and as a kleptomaniac I really shouldn't be allowed in other people's houses to this day I still lie about all the shit I've thieved ("user do you have any idea what happened to [x] it's actually very valuable"/"no idea I'm sorry etc") one day I will be sent to prison

Eh... some people are just collectors.
I love pretty much every show there and I'm 22.

Haven't seen "Bubblegum Crisis" and not a massive fan of Perfect Blue though.

I see you have "The Stand" beneath the yellow CRT. I could use some Stephen King kino right now.

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She's 30.

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Fuck movies, we're playing Pokemon Snap.

Also get rid of those piercings, we're also booking a tattoo laser removal for you, dear.


whenever i see a 20 or 30something with a sleeve i just think of how fucking retarded they're going to look when they're 60 or 70.

>the Headmaster from Hell

oh shit ranma better look out!

Fuck the N64, its best multiplayer game was done better by the same people on PS2. It's called TimeSplitters 2

Yes, no penis.

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By then they won't have 'em. Red's the only difficult color to remove.

Doesnt she have her own shop selling her own customized gameboy fronts?

She accomplished more than the average Yas Forums-goer atleast

yeah ok but leave my electropop alone

Are you guys that popular with girls? everytime I see a girl posted here you all go „REEE she has a tattoo/mole etc. I would never date such a thing!“

I don't think it matters, whatever we see I just know I'm gonna cum in my pants again from being that close to a girl.

She mostly leeches off her parents.
They paid for all her tattoos.

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This song is from 2010, which although this stuff was going on it wasn't quite as accepted and lauded as it is now.

Maybe not anymore

submitted for your consideration

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I'll ask her for a recommendation. Then I'll ask her what she particularly likes about it. Then I'll ask her if she likes the directors other work. I'll keep digging until she runs out of rehearsed lines and reveals herself as a posing wannabe duplicitous whore.

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Where is her couch? Hows she gonna watch or play games on those televisions?

How do we solve the womanchild threat?

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men get shunned for it
holes get praised for it

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Yes I am very popular with girls and hate all those with tattoos or piercings.

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she can sit on my face

we dont we embrace it


You millennials are lazy even for self victimization.

She's basically the female equivalent of chris chan.

>This girl says you can come over

Not to me she doesn't.

don't really care about that. I mean I was listening to Zep II this morning and that came out before I was born.

Sami Rami's Army of Darkness and Disney's Snow White and Black Cauldron on VHS Tape.

Mickey Enchanted Castle on Sega Mega Drive.

How did I do /tv ?

gonna have to go with curse of the blood rubies on this one

thats america baby

Her bed at least is all sonic shit.

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>no Angel Cop

Worthless thot

Fuckn kekked

i'd tell her that dvd's are better but whatever
i'd watch whatever she wants to watch just to with her as pals

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No, user, we're rugged "chads" who *voluntarily* refuse to participate in the "normie" lifestyle, something for which we are too "redpilled". All of us. Yeah.

Why would I bother with an autistic girl still stuck in her scene emo phase and who obviously doesn't shower at all?

with resolve and a throbbing penis

who takes the pics?

>ear gauges

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>cute female idolizes Guts
wtf are they evolving? my god imagine if they start having intelligent conversations, I'm officially scared.

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You didn't take photos of yourself holding the cassette for your instagram so everybody knew though did you

I have no problem with people enjoying things from before their time, my issue is people like her that can't do it without taking photos to get some sort of 'reward' for it. Her enjoyment doesn't come from those products, it comes from the likes and comments people who want to fuck her give her on social media

Snnnnifffffffffff ah yes (hufffff) mmmh quite pungent my dear

I'll might give her a pass if she genuinely likes Sonic, though she doesn't look old enough to have played the Megadrive games first time around.

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