Cast her
Resident Evil
This was a very good casting, Sienna nailed it as Jill.
stop making the same thread you fucking discord tranny
Why is the RE Engine so ugly? Why can't they juat use Unreal Engine 4 like FF7 Remake. That game's combat sucks but at least most of the models look accurate to what they're supposed to look like.
shill tranny exposed
She's too old now unfortunately.
sex sells
the girl who's face was used for the game. /thread
The engine seems fine from what I've seen and played, it's just Capcom chooses awful real-life actors for the main characters - or at least don't scan their faces in properly. Usually the Japs are good at doing faces too.
jill = voth
claire = jordan
becca = ???
the face doesn't look bad at all in the final game. they ended up fixing it because she looked ugly before and i hated it. on the actual game though it looks way better and she looks decently hot.
UE4 and RE Engine are both garbage.
The only good engines are Northlight and CryEngine.
that game only looks like shit because of the ps4. that's literally just a blurry png in the background not actual a 3d model. it's going to look insane when it comes to pc
There's shitty low res textures everywhere. Only good engines are Northlight and CryEngine!!!!
thats my point idiot lol... there's shitty shit like that all over the game due to the limitations of the ps4. talking about engines what games look better ON ps4 with northlight or cry?
>no boob
UE has always had these problems and they haven't fixed it with UE4 too. Gears 5 is another example of shitty textures thanks to UE.
peta jensen
that's on pc though, are you retarded lol? idk why you're being a shill for some stupid engine and posting screens from a pc port to make yourself look right. i don't give a fuck about engines so yeah i guess you're right. don't @ me anymore
>re engine sucks they should use ue4!
>ue4 sucks too
I played the launch games like Killzone and InFamous and they didnt look as shit as this lol
how is that the engine's fault?
Voth is obnoxiously beautiful, why they changed her ?
because all games that use UE have these kind of problems unless they heavily modified the engine.
itll most likely not be as bad on pc as on ps4 but it's still bad even for ps4 standards.
i played re3 on ultra max (just built a new pc) and no game has looked better unmodded. also that's a stupid pic meant to lead astray dumb people, that has nothing to do with the engine and more with the person designing that or modeling etc. i've exposed you that you're trying to weasel your way with pc port pics and we've established ff7 looks like shit already. all you've done is convince me you're literally a 2 digit iq moron who weirdly simps for game engines. now explain why ue is better on pc and not a ps4. i know the answer so i'm sure you do as well. regarding your little texture fixation that is. still waiting for a pic on ps4 from one of your engines.
So every person in the history of UE has been incompetent? Why doesn't it happen more often on other engines then?
>pc port pics
Probably because the game isn't on PS4 dumbass.
>The only good engines are Northlight and CryEngine.
Jesus christ, is that your opinion from a Doctorate in Computer Science?
again, how is devs choosing shitty textures the engine's fault?
too much sole
>Quantum Break
Yes it does look good but that's a port. Even Unity can look that good if properly developed.
you are dense. a dev can use much higher quality assets if they want in UE4. its not the engine's fault they used ugly and lo quality assets
why didn't you post the xbox port pic instead of trying to mislead then, kek. are you really trying to argue right now? northlight is fucking shit, the character models look like video game characters and not realistic at all. let's not start with the faces... compared to REengine that is. i don't actually care about northlight btw but seeing you be a shill for them as if its good is making me talk shit about it lol.
Because UE has had problems with texture streaming since it started existing.
Did you start playing games a few years ago?
>i played re3 on ultra max (just built a new pc) and no game has looked better unmodded
elmao, launch games from Xbox look better.
It's based on having eyes.
I always thought those flash suppressors (is that what those are for?) looked funny on a pistol.
>It's based on having eyes.
Then you have no idea on how a graphics engine works, thus invalidating your opinions. Go play with Unreal and see how much shit you can actually do, then do the same for the Cryengine and see how far you go.
There's a difference, and there's a reason why devs use UE4 the most.
No dev is going to say "lets put that 200p texture right next to that 4k texture". It's been known for years UE has problems with texture streaming, retard.
FUCKING KEK i'm done, nice flat textures you got there. look at your own pic,anything that's not smooth or flat. (terrible textures on the cracks on statues, leather straps, crease on skin, can go on but idc) there's a reason why everyone is making you look stupid. you're not paranoid and everyone is against you calm down, just admit you're wrong.
>and there's a reason why devs use UE4 the most.
Barely any AAA games use this shitty engine. I think the only big ones are Gears4, 5 and FF7. And thank god they don't, on top of texture issues, it's the most plastic looking after Frostbite. It's only used by indie devs for their shitty Pokemon and Zelda "remakes".
how about some people who can act though