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i'd agree mostly because Sherlock only really has one/two great seasons which consist of just a handful of episodes

Both are trash.

its not hard to be better than sherlock

its peak BBC smug left wing guardian reading britposting, its pretty horrific

Sherlock was GOAT for 2 seasons then shit the bed. Ironically Elementary is better overall because it only pays lip service to the books meaning it can tell its own stories. Plus it has the best Moriarty.

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Too bad she hardly ever shows up.

Why does twitter attract these kind of freaks?

Which is a good thing, his nemesis shouldn't be reduced to villain-of-the-week as happened in Sherlock.

The only correct answer.

>made by Steven Moffat, who has a long track record of sometimes based, sometimes absolute trash stories from Doctor Who
>leads and antagonists with solid chemistry
>great use of original works
>Christmas Special was a better Victorian Sherlock than the Robert Downey Jr movies
>best before it got complicated, in the first two seasons
>seasons made with quality over quantity in mind, which you can respect even when seasons 3 and 4 have been mediocre at best

>even fans like the dumbass from these tweets admit that it only pays lip service to the original work
>Watson an asian woman for no reason
>Watson no longer a veteran, which was a large part of his character/backstory
>Moriarty and Irene Adler ruined by turning Sherlock Holmes' greatest enemy into a former lover
>willing to make two major characters women, but Sherlock still has to be British so he can have the accent
>pumping out a season a year, over 150 episodes with literally zero cultural impact

Yeah, tough call. Sherlock isn't exactly kino, but it's far better than Elementary.


True, and I haven't watched in a while, but it felt like they completely dropped her and her influence on Sherlock at a certain point.

i dont have a problem with asian women
but why is that ugly gook literally the only asian woman you ever see in american shit

I thought both shows had finished years ago.

Elementary did last year. Sherlock's in hiatus, has been since 2017.

Best modern Moriarty by a long distance coming through (film is pretty shit tho desu); imagine the cringe thought process behind making Moriarty a woman... Duh, he's a criminal mastermind, not a pretty face with no brains

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Is there sexual tension between Holmes and Watson?
If so I'm not watching it.

Agreed, and Sherlock really annoyed me by the end... Also, female Watson and Moriarty is stupid

On elementary? No.. although their connection is far more romantic/soul mate than sexual.


OP confirmed faggot

kek, annoying faggot pseud

The coonatics are running the asylum

People love to shit on mauler for his year-length videos yet this guy isn't any better.

>okay imma say it
what a disappointment..


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even a broken clock is right twice a day user or whatever they say

You guys do realise she hates the same things you guys have hated about the show for ages, right? She explicitly hates the tumblr appealing 'lmao maybe sherlock/watson are gay guys!!!!' bullshit that you guys hate.

coomberbatch just plays sheldon

The production value and cast for these movies were for the most part insane. They just didn't spend any of it on competent writers.

Star Trek: The Next Generation holodeck episodes are better than both of these train wrecks. Sherlock is especially bad. Had a good first episode but went to shit immediately thereafter.

delete this fucking word from existence aswell as anyone who uses it


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>as a child was shocked by this
>thought sherlock was a weak big brain dude
>all the adaptations lied to me and left out the part where he gets rough and is a boxer

Those twitter freaks all talk (or write) in the same way, are they like that IRL too?
I'm so glad my country can't into english so this poison doesn't reach us

the last few seasons are complete and utter dogshit. no stories worth watching and they think they are being cute with their propaganda.
it's very sad, because it was fun once

First two seasons of Sherlock are great, the last two seasons saw a dip in quality though.