This girl is coming over in 2 hours. What movie are you gonna put on?

This girl is coming over in 2 hours. What movie are you gonna put on?

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Raising Arizona.

my timbs and kneepads

Probably my favorite BLACKEDRAW scene.

Heat. Then I'd talk for hours about how Robert DeNiro did literally nothing wrong by going back to kill Waingro. I imagine this would get her suitably wet.


The Greatest Story Never Told

something about girls with potato faces

I just started watching Africa Addio and I am not about to switch over to something different

I'd prep the bull and pop in Back Panther.

The Squashed Left Side

X's and O's

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you called?

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Parasite. Tell the basement is a metaphor for me the womb.

Wedding crashes
Thank You for Smoking
Captain Marvel
One of those new SW movies

Flåklypa Grand Prix.

doesnt matter because im a chad (alpha) and i will fuck her anyway

My first thought exactly.


Master and Commander

I would play hard to get and not let her into my parent's house.

Martyrs, cause I'm a chad.

Kingdom of Heaven director's cut and before that explain to her how the theatrical makes the main character lose depth and how that's the reason for generally low reviews
then give a brief overview of how the crusades were a retaliation against the muslims and the movie does have a major flaw in that it portrays them as enlightened civilised people as opposed to bloody christian barbarians which in reality was what both sides were but the movie is still worth a watch

and then throughout the runtime i'd stop to explain costume/weaponry inaccuracies

ALF season 1 DVD and some spicy tendies!

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The Girlfriend Experience

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this, 5h director's cut


Stolen Kisses

Some dumb shit by Wes Anderson doesn’t matter what

Fifty Shades of Grey