ITT: Pleb honeypots

I'll start

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That entire Manhattan sequence is one of the best things ever put to film.

>I feel fear for the last time


The only argument against this movie is if you’re a fan of the comic and don’t like the differences. As a stand alone film this is ultra kino

It's squidfags. Pure and simple

This cover makes it look dogshit. Is it really as mid 2000s capeshit as it looks?

This nigga hasn't seen Snyder's best film

And as a fan of the comic, I absolutely prefer the blame being put on Dr. Manhattan over the squid.

>dystopian early 80s alternate timeline
Looks good to me, just watch it


Its actually on purpose.

The comic revived 70s/80s superhero aesthetics, the movie went for the look of the 90s/early 2000s

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same. but there was a lot of backstories cutted out, especially regarding Ozymandias's motivation. he just came out very flat on screen.

The squid change made it more streamlined plotwise but inferior as it took away interesting character changes.

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this film is fun to like now that reddit is forced to hate it

So how would a pleb even stay long enough to finish it?

that was a great movie, i watched it at the cinema and bought the DVD.

Most of the Alan Moore adaptations are decent at worst. Alan Moore is just a miserable faggot who hates everything, and people think it's cool to copy him.

Never saw it this way. But this is correct.

Such a good movie.

Imagine openly stating that you're a brainlet.

>just a miserable faggot who hates everything
So our guy?

disagree, V For Vendetta is pretty bad in terms of action and pacing. Dialog was okay, and its biggest insight was drawing a parallel between V and the count of Monte Cristo. Otherwise, it was mediocre.

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pretty much this

Every single thing about this movie screams Kino but the combination makes me fall asleep when I merely read the filename

It's a fun movie. Every scene is pure kino. I never understood the hate for it, meanwhile people eat up the popcorn flick trash that is Django Unchained like candy.
>hurr he's a hack

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It's not good, film critics pretend to love it (even though they've all disliked the past few Malicks) because the story (resistance to Nazis) parallels their heroic resistance to the the Trump regime.

Watchmen is the only capeshit movie I have ever seen because capeshit movies are children's movies and I expected Watchmen to be an adult take on capeshit. I was wrong. Watchmen is as juvenile as other capeshit.

who watches the watchmen?