If look is all actors need to succeed and talent doesn't matter how do you explain pic related?

If look is all actors need to succeed and talent doesn't matter how do you explain pic related?

Attached: 1586622754168.jpg (1080x1264, 281.28K)

He's a jew.

He's 6'6'' and Jewish.

Height > Face > Body

That shirt collar looks two sizes too big for him. It should sit higher and have slightly enough room for the neck to move around, but not that much.

Women have shit taste

he got the villain role for a big franchise which has terrible casting and poor production decisions. his black hair and odd looks pared with his villain role made him the dream boy for tumblr fan girls.

he is only successful because he has a small group of loyal fans and he keeps going for indie films.

he looks like one of the jews from that recent simon of trent painting

>he got the villain role for a big franchise which has terrible casting and poor production decisions. his black hair and odd looks pared with his villain role made him the dream boy for tumblr fan girls.
this is what i was thinking but couldn't put it into words

he's tall and was in the most popular show among millennial women

You don't need looks or talent, you need charisma. Charisma isn't looks.

m8, he's dutch as fuck

He LOOKS jewish but actually isnt. His career is a mistake

what race is this

This guy is some kind of primordial Jew. He's got Jew powers beyond the capabilities of the average secular Jew. He can make Hollywood bow before him despite his outward appearance through his ancient and long-forgotten psychokinetic abilities


They needed an ugly as shit white guy as the main white male cast member to try & keep the womernfolks from fawning over him, and it backfired.

He's not Jewish. Why do people insist he is?

He isn't Jewish

your idea of attractive and a girls idea of attracive are very different (he's tall and has a deep voice)

Wallet > *

look at his face

This. Kylo shills are the worst breed of sw fans, and that's saying a lot.

He is only not Jewish in the sense that he is beyond mere Jewhood

His parents are evangelicals from the midwest. Hes a proper white american.


this is a 9/10 in les americas

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Since we're having this thread every single day: he is ugly and pure mutt so he is immune to 99% of Twitter politics. On the other hand his horrid looks and reaction of disgust he evokes with the normies makes him perfect for outrage marketing and endless Clickbait.

this is how the USA spied on other nations. why pay millions on wire tap technology when for the low price of 18k a year just plop this guy on the countries boarder and he can hear everything going on inside an enemy nation. dude could probably hear bin ladin jacking it to hentai when stationed in south korea.

Military connections. He's there because the CIA runs hollywood and wanted one of their own in the fray.

Can't keep the white man down

Women didn't care about Adam until he was in Star Wars.