Should I watch Sex and The City before watching The Carrie Diaries?
Should I watch Sex and The City before watching The Carrie Diaries?
How about watching neither you colossal gay.
Fuck off roastie bitch
Do you have a girlfriend? If not avoid it like the plague. Sex and Shitty was only tolerated by men because it made their partners more sexually adventurous. It also made them way more fucking materialistic leading to the garbage generation of Thots were have today but what can you do?
Also the only one you can fap to in Sex and the City is the Brunette. Kim Catrall was 20 years too old, the redhead is gross, and Sarah Jessica Parker is the ugliest woman on earth, literally a female version Howard Stern. It was putrid when they pretend that men were striving to fuck that gross bitch.
Lies, Kim Cattrall was a milf
Do they explain how goddess ASR mutate into a horse?
It's unnecessary
But much better television.
>series where the lead for the prequel is inexplicably 10000% hotter than the original series
Any other examples of this?
Her body is engineered for breeding.
God no. I wouldn't even recommend the Carrie Diaries.
>Also the only one you can fap to in Sex and the City is the Brunette. Kim Catrall was 20 years too old, the redhead is gross, and Sarah Jessica Parker is the ugliest woman on earth, literally a female version Howard Stern. It was putrid when they pretend that men were striving to fuck that gross bitch.
Couldn't have put it better myself.
What's this expression trying to convey?
It Carrie Diaries really a thing?
>"I could have my anus plowed by a Yas Forums chad right now instead of filming this shitty prequel series"
I'd put my willy in her chocolate factory if ya catch my drift
She's one of the few girls that's both marriage material and all you can think about is doing her up the butt
>oy vey it's another potato famine
I never watch it, just collected lots of pictures.
My gf has watched all of it and the movies and puts out once every other month, now what?
She looks more like Kim Carrell character, I guess they wanted Sarah Jessica Parker to feel good about herself.
Same here
It resulted into the non nude celeb pic I have nutted the most to, the one in OP
It resulted in a 6gb ASR folder.
It's also engineered for wearing high cut
put down the nailgun Anna, I have a tool here that needs cleaning.
>cuts hair short
>suddenly becomes a titty teaser after teasing us with her butt for years
What did she mean by this?
Actually, I would be the one doing the cleaning work of her butt
>tfw remote control vibrating buttplug
You got the one where she's dancing in a slutty disco outfit?
eat what? I don't see any titties mommy!
>ywn play bongo with her bumbum
Fuck Marry Kill Kill. Go!