ITT: shows that instantly dropped out of cultural consciousness

ITT: shows that instantly dropped out of cultural consciousness

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pic unrelated

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Pic unrelated? It's very memorable even the boring parts. Like that episode where Skyler was being a bitch to Walt and not talking to him due to the supposed 2nd cellphone.

Based retard

Skyler literally did nothing wrong.I'm only catching up to this show now and I can't comprehend how was she getting all this hate.

she's a suspicious lurking as bitch from the get go who can't let her man go free and do stuff

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>I can't comprehend how was she getting all this hate.
Then you aren't very intelligent. It is okay to say that in your opinion the hate she receives in unwarranted, but to actually watch that show and not understand why most people hate her shows that you have a very serious lack of insight into how the typical mind works. You might have autism.

She was suspicious because Walter is a horrible liar. Walter is a horrible liar because he barely lied to her during their marriage.

Pretty big lie, OP. But okay, I guess you stopped talking about it with your mom and dad?

Unironically GoT the instant the credits rolled on the finale

The entire world basically sighed and found something new to watch

>character is a shrill, obnoxious cunt
>many people dislike her
Did I clear the mystery up for you?

In principle she was right, but the way she handled Walt’s shenanigans made her a bitch.


Skylar gets hate because most viewers are total plebs who watch the show to see le epic Heisenberg be epic, so it's obvious that they hate the character that tried to stop Heisenberg from being epic and getting into epic science shenanigans.

Skylar was right and Walter was the egocentric loser.

This, GoT was easily the biggest show of the decade and new episodes were live-tweeted like the fucking Super Bowl.

Now it hasn't even been a year since it ended and literally no one gives a shit about it anymore.

>le character was right so they aren't hateable
This is such a childish mindset.

Skyler's a stringent cunt. She's insufferable.

>Skylar was right
Yeah but they made her look like a bitch. The fake bacon. smoking while pregnant. Fucking Ted.

Walter was the insufferable one. The only reason he doesn't get hated because he plays into the power fantasy of an average watcher

>but also let me explicitly help you out to launder this money, help you hide everything from our kids, help you avoid trouble from the IRS, refuse to help Hank when he finds out and smoke with our baby in the car. also kill Jesse :)

Walter being insufferable doesn't mean Skyler is suddenly not.

I was talking about it with my friend just last week. He asked me at what point I stopped rooting for Walt, and I said it was after the methylamine deal. Then I asked him for his, and he said it was after Walt turned down the job at Grey Matter, and I realized he was absolutely correct.

wow you mean a 6 year old show isnt the most talked about in 2020 wtf is going on guys

Don't forget, she fucked Ted too. And when Ted wouldn't handle his end of the IRS stuff she went with the nuclear option (she could have forged his signature). Though she did get points for playing the ditzy secretary

>Skyler was right
Right about what? That Walt enjoyed being a drug dealer? Well no shit. Remember his life at the start of the series, even before he found out about the cancer. Why would anyone want to come back to that?
Walt wanted to keep his family and continue to be a drug dealer. The right thing for her to do if she didn't want to be a part of it, would be to up and leave. Instead she flip-flops throughout the series going from helping him out to trying to cheat on him to ratting him out in the end. All while constantly acting like a total bitch.
Yeah, why would anyone dislike such a character, truly a mystery. Must be all those drug dealer apologists. Can't be the fact the she's a shitty person as well, no way.

omg noo you can't just sympathize with a character who does the best she can in an impossible situation. That's childish! Grow up and call her a le stringent cunt like an adult would!

>a character who does the best she can
lmao, Skyler apologists are delusional, who would've thought.

Everyone only watched it to fit in.

She's overbearing, weak, whiny, unfunny, inconsistently stupid, insensitive and extremely self-centered. Sure, when you examine the situation, being married to a drug manufacturer is totally shit, but why should I not hate her for being a stringent cunt?

Walt being a shitty person doesn't make Skyler not shit.

If it was even in cultural consciousness to begin with

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what show is this?