Now that his new show flopped, is he just considered a full time Twitch Streamer now?

Now that his new show flopped, is he just considered a full time Twitch Streamer now?

Attached: limmy defeat.jpg (1280x720, 82.35K)


sub-human inbred unfunny faggot. I hope he eats shit and dies.

He could check if they're hiring in that LLoydspharmacy place

Fuck him and the scottish ""people"" for what he did to Nilesy

if limmy had pivoted right rather than left in 2015/16 he'd be hugely popular right now, even if he stayed apolitical and totally centrist he'd be massively more popular

the only reason i do not engage more with him is because he hates people like me (right wing brits). i anecdotally know tons of us who would otherwise be interested, and his humour is interesting and edgy enough that he doesn't really appeal to the left either as hes justnot preachy or genewric enough.

Hes managed to find the perfect balance to alienate more or less everyone except a total nucleus core fanbase

Yas Forums. Go back. Sex. Have it.

do you not realise how you come off as a fragile baby when you say the only reason you don't engage is you can't handle his bants on you? like why would you admit that, that's literally pathetic

I'm exactly what he hates being a previously ukip brit, but i don't care that he has politics opposite to me, he is still funny.

What ruins it is that he let it get in the way of humour. Everything became a political rant and his streams were just obnoxious.

Tried to watch him but I understood nary a word

not as pathetic as that inbred golum's popularity

This is what i mean though, i dont care he disagrees with me, i but i cant watch a stream and enjoy it when hes CONSTANTLY ranting about politics , i gave up

He's an arrogant cunt in real life.

him and everyone else brah

>posts critique from the opposite isle of the British political spectrum
>lefty crybabies shit their diapers
This is exactly why he doesn't watch your content

Hes followed a similar to jtrajectory to Ron Perlman

Widely Liked>Liked withcreeping political leanings>mainly political>sort of cringe now> jesus christ stfu>Widely disliked

what happened to Nilesy?

>do you not realise how you come off as a fragile baby

Somehow I doubt it.

Attached: tory boy.jpg (620x413, 34.95K)

It's "aisle", you preliterate fucking imbecile.

wahh this comedian doesn't cater to my political views

As an American I don't understand anything Limmy fucking says. I don't know how you limeys deal with mushmouth Scots.

nilesy is a faggot literal who anyway. but limmy is also still a faggot

He had a very brief window in which he could have broadened his appeal but he backed himself into a tiny, creatively bankrupt corner called 'BBC Scotland'.

He had that "no politics let's all be cool" rule on his twitch but then spends all his time giving rants and if someone responds differently he absolutely shits himself and bans them.

It's just not funny, people are there for comedy.

I like how he triggers Yas Forumstards


By not being ignorant retards. Well, at least, not compared to you buddy.

I dunno why liberals are calling Yas Forums babies. Literally just look at reaction videos to anything Trump, lol.




Did he get banned? honestly the guy was a massive twat, it was beyond bants, so I was waiting for it to happen

Cope harder, Virgin.

looks like I was right lol