Am I the only one who thought that Adrian fucking sucked?
I've seen lettuce leaves with more personality than this bitch.
Am I the only one who thought that Adrian fucking sucked?
I've seen lettuce leaves with more personality than this bitch.
Its because rocky has mild down syndrome
This. I thought they both did. Also Paulie definitely diddled her. Possibly Rock too, now that I think about it.
She suffered from the shy disease is Rocky 1 have you even watched the series? But then when Rocko got rich he got her cured and fixed his face up
She seemed (non-meme) autistic in the first movie.
Her later appearances she came off as a more well rounded personality
He's more of a savant.
Who else would think to enter the mind of your opponent by chasing chicken and white women?
>lives with abusive brother
>surprised that she’s meek and afraid of men
She's shy you dumb cunt
>those glasses
Was Adrian a hipster feminist ?
insecure bitches are the best, you basically get to meld them whichever way you please
no, she wore them because they were ugly and it would purposely keep people away from her
Rocky raped that bitch.
wtf, I watched Rocky 1 again yesterday for the first time in a couple years and it made me want to talk about Adrian as a character, and now this post. Is the Matrix real?
I kinda like Adrian more as I watched it yesterday again. She's shy, possibly autistic as the other user said, but she still has a little arc to her character. She starts off subdued, silent, very shy and awkward. She's also treated like shit and controlled by her incel brother Paulie, but she changes a little after getting involved with Rocky.
There's the scene where Paulie goes apeshit with that baseball bat in his home and she erupts and starts standing up for herself. She breaks down, but moments later gets all cool and just decides to leave and move in with Rocky. I like that.
Little lines and moments and mannerisms between her and Rocky shows she even develops a sense of humor and she gets cute.
She's played very subdued for the first 2 movies, and I like that. By Rocky V, she's a generic Italian mom character, but I think she's underrated.
That was the point though. Go watch the scene in Rocky III where they're arguing on the beach
The first rocky script is amazing. They really do a lot with the characters with simple dialog without spelling everything out for the audience (which I think they would do know if a modern filmmaker tried to do it)
based and redpilled
spare the faggot brackets reddit nigger
My nan used to look like this
Did Mickey like to fuck broads standing up or something?
Nice blogpost , Facebook boomer
rocky3 was best rocky
apollo sneed
I hate women and all, but man that scene where Rocky drags her into her apartment is rough, and they really plays it as romantic and shit. He stabs his knife into his mattress, corners her, and says "I'm gonna kiss you, you don't gotta kiss me back, but I'm gonna kiss you." Is this just how shit was in the 70s?
is that Millie Bobby Brown?
imagine if she had a personality like Ali MacGraw in Love Story that would make complete sense
Has any actor had a bigger glow up than Stallone in between ROcky 2 and 3?
He went from being a pasty Italian to giga chad
she ugly
magic of the roids
it was the only one with a decent fight, until the last round where he went full Fist to the Face style again.
Paulie is the biggest piece of shit ever to be put on film and he got away with everything.
yea but rocky is dumb as fuck
yeah that's what happens when you have no fighting ability and the only reason you are able to win fights is by getting punched in the face repeatedly until the other guy gets tired
>glow up
Stop talking like a woman.
Milly Bobby brown?