Now that the dust has settled was it a good movie?

Now that the dust has settled was it a good movie?

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Was that a real movie?

Maybe if you're a KEK!

strawman the movie

Yeah, it was a huge box office hit

Why is white identitarianism so frowned upon when every other race gets a free pass?

Because white identitarians always end up sperging out and killing a bunch of people like in Christchruch and El Paso, etc. Plus they have the historical baggage of the Holocaust and KKK.

It was funny and disgusting. It was worth the watch.

0 dollars :)

it wasnt very good even as an exploitation film

Yeah, but white countries are kind of being invaded by foreigners, and whenever locals complained, they're told they're evil... No wonder some crack desu, in fact I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often

ok cuck

how sad
racism is not ok

For cheap labor, easier for the rich to import when they've destroyed any unifying identity. Other user is being disingenuous when other groups have done the same and are doing the same to this very day. Celebrities silent on Hong Kong, Israel politicians compare Palestinians to vermin as they take over their land.

>0 dollars at the box office
0 dollars at the box office
>0 dollars at the box office
0 dollars at the box office

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based and commonsense pilled

>necessary immigration because your race stopped fucking

>goym you can't be against millions of subhumans moving into your country, when you don't have more children after we brainwashed you into not having them

>niggers spitting out 20 kids at a time all supported by the gubmint to fuel mega corporations is fine


Shut up, America has always been a nation of "Invaders" by that logic.

pol's little revenge fantasy made 0 dollars at the bo

they just can't win

When? It was colonised once in 1492 and since then it's never been taken over or occupied.

I agree with that, but I also think people being invaded have a right to demand it to stop.

> Falls for leftist brainwashing.

The replacement birth rates fell because of mass immigration. Prior to the migrant boom in the UK under Labour they where above, but then house prices skyrocketed and wages stagnated and people struggled to afford to raise one child let alone 2 and that hasn't changed to this day.

Initially and a sensible population would realise it would be stupid to let the same thing happen to them instead of being guilted into it.

I don't see why any of those things suggest that white identitarianism is invalid. Do you lose the right to advocate for your ethnicity after someone commits ethnic violence in their name? There have been numerous genocides in Asia and Africa commuted by nonwhites but the philosophy of "baggage" is never applied to them.

>0 dollars box office
How did it manage to be such a massive flop when the leftist media like the Guardian were shilling for it so assiduously?
That's too pathetic, even taking in consideration for the "get woke go broke" that usually goes along with the leftist propaganda schlock.

It bombed because Yas Forums wouldn't get out of their cheeto stained computer chairs to leave the house and go see it.

>using Cuck in 2020

We are using Simp now.
Catch up, Hollywood.

I enjoyed it. It accurately potrays alt-right incels because of the reactions. Alt-right incels don't like to be made fun of, they're snowflakes.

Why should they watch a leftist movie shilled by leftist media.
You probably confuse Yas Forums for a leftist board.
That explains your meticulous description of the typical leftist NEET activist the movie was targeted too.

It bombed brcause leftshits can ever produce profit by sucking away tax money of actually productive people.

>Get this, a fat lonely shut-in loser starts posting racist videos online and then *literally* becomes a cuckold and has a Mexican cum in his face.
Can you spot the irony there Yas Forums, or is it too high brow for you?

Its not a very appealing movie. It's just a political hitpiece. I would compare it to taxi driver and joker, but in those two movies we identity and sympathize with the protagonist. This movie doesn't allow for that, just vicious character assassination which ends up more as a commentary on the creator than what they wanted to critique.

>Alt-right incels don't like to be made fun of, they're snowflakes.

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It's because white people ruined any chance they had with any white identitarianism group being a bunch of violent fuckheads. Why would I express pride in being a white person when the only other people doing it are KKK or neonazi inbreds?


not user but it's true, the most offended people are usually 4chaners and Yas Forums especially. Either them or ultra sjw twitter divas.

Stop making excuses faggot. You literally memed your dream candidate into the White House and that still wasn't enough to stop you faggots from chimping out and mowing down innocent people, there's nowhere for you to go form here besides more violence.

I mean, the immigrants that came through Ellis island like the Irish and Italians brought their crime syndicates over here and gave our government a run for it's money.

after watching it, no

If white identitarianism isn't socially acceptable then it follows that its strongest adherents won't be socially well-adjusted. The average white person 100 years ago would be considered a white nationalist today, are you saying that they were all KKK neonazi inbreds?

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replying to bait isn't being offended you projecting redditor

>he doesn't know about america's familization stance