Only brothas and sistas in this thread. Post some black kino, king
>For me, it's Sorry To Bother You
Black Kino General
Friday (1995)
Yo my nigga
i hate niggers
for me, it's emmet_till_real_lynching_footage.avi
spare the faggot brackets reddit nigger
those aren't even brackets
>i hate niggers
For Colored Girls
American Gangster
im going to fucking chop you all into pieces and eat your flesh yxou disgusting fucking subuhma
The Sonic movie with Tika Sumpter is black kino.
>im going to fucking chop you all into pieces and eat your flesh yxou disgusting fucking subuhma
So, blacks, does "black kino" mean some engine of hate against white people or genuine films like Predator or something? I think only Arnold and the sexual tyrannosaurus guy were white.
that image is certainly how a soyy boy would react to such a rude statement
I have a feeling that the range of topics you would consider as being "about white people" is quite broad. But we're already at the point where black filmmakers are using the possibility that every movie they make is about race to fake out audiences.
Maybe you could try not worrying so much and just accept the films on their own terms?
>that image is certainly how a soyy boy would react to such a rude statement
white countries = white movies
actually not even, global audiences just prefer to see white faces on screen.
Boyz in da Hood
I've seen hundreds of movies. Many of them had black people, white people, Asian people, some portrayed as good, some as bad and everything in between. I've enjoyed many of those movies and many of them are my favorites.
Then we have "black" cinema which 100% of the time is nothing but a seethe against white people existing (Black Panther).
Reccomend me some black kino that's not ABOUT black people and their "struggles" and just happens to have a black cast. OH I just thought of one: I Am Legend.
finally I can post this
Great example of a black movie that's nothing but a huge seethe like any other black movie.
Never saw Baber Shop is that funny or only funny to black people? Blacks, chime in.
>white girls
>flirting with niggers
april fools was nearly 2 weeks ago
Here's kino incarnate.
Work Hard, Play Hard, featuring Nicole Aniston & Jason Brown
The cinematography is just incredible
>>white girls
>>flirting with niggers
>but pol said that's fake news!
>l-look at this infographic!
>using a pol soyy boy meme while whining about pol like a soyy boy
Black Dynamite
Boss Nigger
For me, it's The Education of Sonny Carson.