Change American ship to a French one even though it doesn't make any sense...

>change American ship to a French one even though it doesn't make any sense, so burger audiences can sit through the movie without standing up and saluting the screen all the time

any other examples of this? why are americans so sensible?

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So is it meant to be an American ship?

yes, apparently it was in the book. which suddenly has things make a lot more sense, the ship being constructed in Boston, the ship strolling around south america, and so on.

Btw, who the fuck robbed us off a great franchise? They even perfectly set up at least parts of a second movie, but nothing ever came

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It wasn't a massive distraction and at least we got good lines like Aubrey's battle speech about the French and and Napoleon.

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Yes, but having Americans be the bad guys once would have been nice. Just like a few good lines about them would have been

Its probaby so all the actors dont need to sounds like they have a cold and cocks in their mouth the whole film, like normal frogs

Yeah they could have had an anthology of movies similar to Hornblower. That's decent and on youtube if you need a fix.

For those that want to see other movies like Master and Commander, check this one out:

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But it was an American ship. It was only crewed by French.

Also known as:

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I think it would have been cool, up until the point where they board the ship and are slaughtering the crew. I think people wouldn't have liked that.

I'm british so I've had many years of being the bad guy in films and it is decent.

Well is it attacking British whalers for America or France?

which makes it a French ship, if it's sailing under a French flag. And why would Napoleon send such a great and modern ship to the Galapagos islands while he's in the middle of a war with the rest of Europe

Apart from the French ship you don't see any enemy persons until right at the end, and even then I can't remember them talking anyway.

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I think it was planned, that's why the movie has such an open ending. No idea why they never went through with it, I think there's at least three books

>expecting people to give a shit
most americans are ignorant nom-noms, they don't give a shit, only if the nazis are around.

It's literally the reason they changed it.

there's like 20 books but they are not very big, novels basically.

Pirates of the Caribbean movies took over that. There's no appetite for serious naval movies.

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It's not a good boat movie if I have any fucking idea what the fuck they are talking about all the time. I've seen Master and Commander a trillion times and still don't know most of their nautical jibberjabber

>There's no appetite for serious naval movies
Speak for yourself

They probably dropped the "HMS" and added "Damn the" for it's US theatrical release.. I don't know.
The movie starts off with a press gang out catching new recruits. Orders from the admiralty, provide escort to merchantmen out of Corsica, report post haste.. second in command; Lewr-tenant Scott Pagent.

The acting on the guns are kind of stiff but it's a badass naval movie.

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Pirates of the Caribbean did
Seriously, even Weir suggested this. Both were about naval culture but stylistically different that they could not have competed side by side. The audience chose

Americans are fat and smell
With Americans on board, ship would sink


For whatever reason it costs a ton to film naval stuff properly. And supposedly it’s a pain in the ass. That’s why they never did any sequels.

>it's too expensive and too much work
but you get something for it. they made one of the best movies of all time. imagine how much fame and money a franchise would have gotten them


Well they did Black Sails on a TV budget and it looked amazing, but i guess CGI has become more cheaper and faster from the Master n Commander days.


I just remember that’s what peter weir said in some interview when asked about it. As for how much $ it would have gotten, it was risky given the cost of production and its limited appeal (i.e. a certain half of the population will never understand it)

>black sails
is this any good? i was thinking about watching it

Shackleton was freakin' epic! Dude lost his ship in the middle of the Antarctic Ocean and still managed to save everyone.

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You got a problem with standing and saluting ya commie? I salute everyone. EVERYONE. And I salute everything. EVERYTHING. This world demands respect! And I provide it! With a well timed and curt salute.

It gets progressively better each season, so dont drop it if it seems a bit slow in s1.

It starts out decent but then drops the ball when the gayfaggot shit comes out.