ok but what does this have to do with bane, sneed or horseguy?
Luis White
Jimmy directly complains how the bills are NOT in the biggest denomination.
Carson Gutierrez
so at best it would be in $50s, that'd be like 300lbs or 135 kilos lmfao
Jayden Morris
How fucking weak are you? I’ weigh 70kg and I do farmers walks with 100kg
Isaiah Murphy
dude turn your brain off lmfao
Ryan Gomez
Thats roughly 70 pounds per bag dude. Not good, but definitely possible. He was 30 miles out and dragged the bags. Not to mention hes in worse shape than the 70 year old BECAUSE OF THIS.
Carter Phillips
Are you of Sauls age and build?
He doesn't strike me as sombody who does regular farmers walks, which you would have understood from the OP if you had read past the first paragraph you fucking dunce.
David Powell
Im a big lad and can bench/lift a decent amount more than I weight, but even my arms start to get sore if I decide to walk to the supermarket and have to carry the bags home (Around 30 min) and Ive hit the gym regularly for 5+ years
Jimmy never lifts and if what is saying is true its over 70kg, theres literally no way, professional strongmen couldn't carry 70 for more than a couple hours
Ian James
Saul is pretty fuckin built, did you watch the most recent episode?
That's life man, tell me a show where the writers didn't have to go bazoongas at least one time. I know it ruins the whole show and you get some kind of trauma and ask yourself if what you're really watching is actual shit, you just have to realise one thing: it's like in a video game, not real, and the main character always wins.
Mason Morris
Just forget about it and move on, not everything can be perfect, remember when Junior wanted to whack Tony? "You have my sword. You have my axe. "you have my gun, tony"
Ian Peterson
He's been working out for a movie role.
Brandon Morris
>suspension of disbelief
Zachary Flores
For 7 million USD? Ofc
Robert Gonzalez
>being this incapable of finding errors so you have to retort to complaining about how much the money weights
the whole point is that it is nearly impossible. i used to hike with 50 kg in a pack for 20 miles as practice when i was in the army. it would be very fucking uncomfortable, and to be honest mike would probably have to hold a gun to my head at the start. but it could be done.
Gavin Wilson
can you do a farmers walk of 70kg for 12 hours a day in the middle of the desert with a single glass of water over two days? Oh, you just carry that weight 60 feet? Yeah, that's what I thought.
Dylan Baker
why wouldnt it be in hundreds? which would make it 150 lbs which is doable.
Asher Wilson
you saw this on YouTube. you didn’t crunch anything
OP is a big phat phoney
Noah Turner
that must require so much raw leg strength.
Isaiah Bennett
Paper weighs almost nothing let alone 70kg
Hunter Turner
Kim was hot as fuck in this scene
Colton Rogers
it being 7 million in cash makes it lighter
Leo Ward
Gay shitposts aside, what did you think about the new ep? What will happen now for the last one?
Gavin Foster
From this to the cleaning of the cereal to the comfy couch scene she was primetime wife material the whole damn episode.
Sebastian Turner
They clearly show the money is in 100s in yesterday’s episode
Logan Jenkins
Limmy pls
Justin Green
Kimmy is the complete opposite of Skyler, for better or for worse.
Andrew Cox
What the fuck are you on.
Adrian Young
If it’s life or death AND I’m getting 100k at the end I’m getting those bags across that dirt too. It’s completely possible, and if you disagree with me, you’re Gay