>go outside
>everyone looks like Bane
Are you finally happy, Yas Forums?
Go outside
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Of coursh
Is it odd to say celebrities look like dickheads wearing them?
Why is that? It doesn't matter if you are rich or not. You can get it and it can kill you.
If I pulled off that mask would you die?
my county just did the mandatory mask thing. should I buy the bane mask and use that?
It's odd to see anyone wear it because it's not normal....except in East Asian countries were they've been wearing masks for decades.
What happens if you can't afford a mask or they are all sold out? You just get fined up the ass? That's not helpful.
old t-shirts and bandanas are also acceptable
Is everyone in America wearing them? And I know its in order to live but it still looks strange
if i pull that mask off will she die?
>all the masks were bought in advance by a small group of individuals belonging to a certain sect and then sold at a high mark-up
ugh. probably virgin white simp incel nazis.
I was promised a happening, and I got one.
I'm happy.
I just hope things get even worse.
Without antibiotics, it would be extremely painful.
We all work for the Masketta Man now
>put on surgical mask
>pretend im doogie howser
I won't be happy until Nolan wears one
>Everyone in the world is Bane
>Everyone is a big guy, yet no one is
Finally we have achieved equality.
antibiotics don't work on viruses retard
It's because of people like you and Drumpf, we have people thinking a fucking fish tank cleaner can treat Corona and antibiotics as a whole have become less effective due to overuse
>tfw discovered my latent mask fetish
For unity
Most places just require you to have some kind of cloth covering over your mouth and nose, so you can get by with a scarf or bandanna or whatever.
Why do I feel like such a Chad for travelling in subway without a mask?
Since the virus weakens your lungs antibiotics help preventing bacterial infections in an already weakened state.
Which $5 footlong did you get?
Uh huh. Enjoy fighting Pneumonia without antibiotics, retard.
Secondary infections you dummy. You absolute fool. You utter dimwit. You stupid, stupid man.
But the virus isn't that effective against people with non-weakened lungs. The people already at risk aren't going to get better with antibiotics.
They're fucked until some form of better prevention or vaccine is created.
Yeah but one has access to the best doctors in the country and literal slaves to go get them groceries and such while they sit there worth millions while the other doesn't have access to either PPE, healthcare or people to help them get food
The fire rises
How did Westworld know? This had to be filmed months ago.
>You can get it and it can kill you.
crazy how 80 year olds post here
When I went to Japan 3 years ago, everyone was wearing masks.
Better question is, why haven't we already been doing this? Especially people that live in LA, that place is a fucking dirty filthy hell hole.
Because it's in Singapore, where wearing masks when you're sick has been a thing for decades.
crime rate
That was strange, even lingered on her for a while. Bravo Nolan
A 13 year old kid at my niece's school just died from it.
>mfw starting to get a fetish for girls wearing masks
>when it all began
>spent a lot of time at airports
>girls wearing masks everywhere
so hot goddamn, added a bit more mystery to women
>he doesn't have an extensive uncensored amateur jav collection of girls wearing masks
Fucking beautiful.
The Arabs were right
My mother lives in the city. She said people look at you and think you are infected if you do not wear
You're not alone.
This really going to be a thing now girls in porn wearing masks?
Go on any major streaming site and search for quarantine, covid, etc. A lot of it's incest porn, for obvious plot reasons.
Asians already have a bunch of shit like this. Girls wear masks to hide their identity so they don't dishonoru their ancestors.
We literally lived long enough to see Yas Forums posters outing themselves in public with baneposting
I thought Japanese did it so people wouldn't talk to them in public
Antibiotic misuse already existed way before the Coronavirus.