What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: SBS_1993.png (340x393, 29.71K)

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Probably that 150~million in government funding back in 2012

As if it isn't better 7,9,10.

No more porn at 1 in the morning

It still is but those are fucking dogshit.
ABC and SBS World Movies are the only watchable channels atm.
No more anime either.

Lefties and kikes

When did it all go so wrong? Aussie TV was great when I was young, back in 05-10.



Ok boomer


les murray couldnt hold off the sjws forever

>remaking this exact thread again
i mean if its just bait to get an aussie thread garn again...i approve

I just love old SBS desu.
Also yes, this is also an aus/tv/ thread.
I finally watched Bad Boy Bubby last night, it was absolutely brilliant. Great comedy and a real genuine look at life.

Didn't renew Danger 5 or order any other shows from Russo and Ashby.

It didn't meet the hype I heard but was alright

Attached: Interview.jpg (704x1000, 95.45K)

Danger 5 might be coming back...

Attached: Danger 5.jpg (1077x1577, 409.5K)

Interesting but I get the feeling it's just going to be a soundtrack release or something.

The last time I watched sbs is was a soccer and Jackie Chan kino station with Des Mangan. There's was also wierd shit like eat carpet. Has it changed much since then?

Nothing but bring back the Telemark canal slow tv. Comfiest shit in the world bros

Eat Carpet ended 15 years ago.
Des stopped doing movie intros like 10 years ago and got replaced by some gay guy. Des wrote this show called Hairdresser Detective for SBS 2 which was good.
They still show Jackie Chan movies though which is good.
They mainly air American shit now like Vikings and Handmaiden Tale.

They still do slow TV. They did some weird event with Cadbury's factory recently, I didn't see it though.

It has Miyazaki films and Your Name on a constant basis loop on World Movies

>Hairdresser Detective
Is there anywhere that I can watch it online? Google just give me addresses for hairdressers.

>No ethnic kino Aussie comedies
>No Asian action movies
>No European titty movies
>No based champions league
>No Inspector Rex

Amazon Prime in Aus

I got the name wrong.
It's a movie but SBS played it as a miniseries. Des was involved.

>No ethnic kino Aussie comedies
Paul Fenechi went to 7mate and now SBS makes some gay Chinese Australian sitcom.


it used to be anime, naked euros, the odd naked chink (thank you erotic ghost story!) and general foreign kino. i loved all the HK cinema. unrecognisable now.

First their multicultural agenda. Secondly being part public and private. Security of government and funding from business, NGOs and banks

>Anton Enus
>A Enus
>Gets ass cancer

I mean I love Anton and he's my favourite newsreader but what a coincidence

I cant believe we broadcast this shit

Attached: 1561764583635.jpg (1290x251, 71.31K)

>no inspector rex

you hit the nail on the head right here

No more porn and went full blown commie shit and green hair dyke shit
it deserves to be put out of it's misery

>They mainly air American shit now like Vikings and Handmaiden Tale.
lmfao, i legit saw them play an episode of vikings in a brisbane strip club.

Of course he got it. He's gay.

Every other channel actively airs fast paced zoomer shit that I'm certain is designed to reduce the IQ points and attention spans of the general public.

But people will focus on SBS and ABC because of 'muh leftism' even though there's a glut of right wing shit out there too.