what are some all white movies?
What are some all white movies?
Other urls found in this thread:
Problem Child 2
Gods of Egypt
Basically almost all movies ever made
>wahhhhhhhh poc are the main characters in a movie wahhhh they’re not all white wahhh the oppression my fragile spirit can’t take it
white chicks
U mad bro?
Unironically a great film. The Wayan brothers get in the ethnostate.
Reservoir Dogs
non-whites also make movies, they are just irrelevant because white countries are what constitutes the 1st world.
but most of the actors in that movie were Egyptian (just so you know, nigerian purple blacks aren't Egyptian in any way)
Just pointing out that whitoids are the most easily offended race on the planet
As my man chapelle said “that is a fragile spirit” ;)
>nigerian purple blacks aren't Egyptian in any way
Egypt was a black land, brudda
Caring about things is a white trait
>Basically almost all movies ever made
Name two.
the ballad of buster scruggs
>whitoids are the most easily offended race on the planet
Then why is the entirety of the media one gigantic seethe against white people's very existence? Seems like as a whole white people take the unending barrage of racism and hate from every facet of news, movies and everything with grace. POCs and leftists are the easily offended whackjobs.
If the media was a constant torrent of hate and prejudice against black people, then I would understand if they were offended. But leftists are offended by white people genetically being white? Psycho nazis.
Anything involving:
>Opioid abuse
>Cuckold Fetish
>Social awkwardness
>virginity past the age of 16
>Mass Shootings
>Root Beer
*complaining about things
He mad lol
you would probably get offended if your inferiors started getting uppity and pretending like your society owes them something
Black people and their racism makes me sick. And it wouldn't if they weren't constantly complaining about being victims of "racism"
people want to break up the old power structures of a once great empire. many of those people are jewish. look at where all this sjw shit originated, look at which institutions push it in society. read culture of critique
Sorry, that seems more like communist documentary.
most eastern european movies
>we were kings
actually only 1 was king. the rest were servants and slaves. i hope they realize this
I can’t wait until Superman or Batman or any major superhero are casted by a poc
Oh the SEETHE will be astronomical whitoids will be so triggered they’ll need a safe space like 4 Chan to vent their anger lmao tick tock
Does Brad Pitt have any actual children?
they just use it to get something from white people. we are too nice. the chinese would tell them to fuck off and put them in camps. when people might try something like that, then the jews would send their minority pets out to whine and use pathos, and we would feel bad and give them stuff. guilt is pretty exclusive to white people.
You mean empathy?
>talking about safe spaces
Cast a fictional character anything other than white and whitoids raise hell.
They’re so sensitive lmao
Lots of adopted ones and I believe one small blue eyed blonde girl. Jolie hates her.
Go race swap Black Panther and see what happens. What the fuck are you talking about, removing white people because they're white IS racism, psycho.
It's not just about being white. For example don't cast Australians or Canadians, because their chinese cuckness is seeping through to the screen.
Lmao just picture it. The new trailer for Superman or Batman is out... it’s revealed he’s black or Mexican or Asian lmao whitoids heads would literally explode there would be riots over a fictional character such fragile people
guilt as well.
no they don't, they just don't like sjw bullshit. there have been shitskins like you in films for decades. also you can go watch non-white films, but they all suck, because whites have the best societies.
>being this butthurt about black
>seething every days every night on Yas Forums(nel)