What was his fucking problem?

what was his fucking problem?

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you guys listening to the podcast?

his wife is a fucking saint

He's just sort of a friend of the Jersey family for a while. He felt snubbed by Carmine with the Ralph/Ginny situation, Tony embarrassed him at dinner when discussing why Gigi wanted to use Bacala Sr. to take out those moulingans, he sleeps on Tony's couch during the poker night in a tanktop; he's always just kinda there. Then he finally gets real power and knows it's his time to be THE boss.


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When you spend a long time as no. 2 becoming no. 1 can really go to your head.

I don't think Johnny ever forgave Tony for pulling out of the hit on Carmine Sr.

There you go, another thing.

He was annoyed that Tony went behind New York's back, a second time, to make another real estate scam. They 'shared' Zellman, therefore NY was supposed to have a taste of the deal. Whereas Tony was never forthcoming about it. Johnny got the information by playing Paulie like a fiddle for inside information. It almost ridiculous how many sit-downs were walked out on in S4, with all the negotiations dragged out; while Junior's trial is a mere background plot.

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>TFW you fucked with The Vipers.

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his heart was too big ;_;

what? you called me

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>tfw no loudmouth new yorker gf

His wife is a fat sack of shit

Imagine coming home from a stressful day at the office only to be shouted at by your Italian American wife for not taking the trash out.

Sounds pretty hot desu.

It's the new Porsche Cayenne™, like the pepper. Let's drive it home and then you can pour me a Coke™

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he was a joyless cunt

yes and I'm watching the respective episode beforehand as well. the sopranos full series is one of 5 blu-rays i paid the respect of purchasing.

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not gonna lie, if she was loyal, i wouldnt mind her busting my balls. loudmouth waps are fucking hot. you just gotta stand up for yourself and give a little back or she'll lose respect for you.

i am not surprised you'd find a woman actually talking to you to be hot

have sex, incel

Why yes, women are HOT! Not everyone is packing fudge in homo town, queer!! Yeah I like a woman with a mouth on her ... and not a mouth on a cock like YOU unless SHE is sucking on ME!!! So there you have it faggot, you just got told. Motherfucker....yep. I just said that. Oh wait you probably fucked a dad !!!!!!!!! GAY!!!!!!



His wife and daughter were fat parasites that drained his will to live

Anyone else find steve to be annoying? Constantly talking over imperioni