⊃∪∩⪽ General:Trailer Edition

Is Yas Forums ready for DUNE? More reveals later Today.

Predict the first trailer release date! I predict it will release either Monday or Friday next week.

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nobody cares

I think it will release this Friday

No. Chalamet is a nepotism kid who is mediocre at best. Villeneuve was decent with his first films. He is still a very basic director who makes average films, his work with digital and Deakins is overrated. Of course Yas Forums is excited because muh incel just like me Gosling in BR2049.


How many hours?

248 days until ⊃∪∩⪽

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If the trailer is released today (it wont) it will be at 12pm like all warner bros movies

When do you think it will release.


I don't get why Yas Forums isn't more hype. Sure, it wont be Jodorowsky's Dune, and I think it will radically differ from Lynch's version, but at least Villeneuve is someone who's really into his projects and somewho can pump out some decent entertainment. Also, Yas Forums should be happy that we get something that's kind of unique and new and hasn't been done in ages like fucking star wars, or star trek, or the gorillionth marvel flick. Judging by today's sci-fi, Dune is fantastic, if it's sticking to the source material (and Villeneuve does)

>no generic hyperdrive shit, instead drug-addict abominations folding space around them
>no gay ass lazers, instead knive and dagger dueling
>no stupid ass capefags flying, instead riding gigantic worms
>no lame good/bad guy clichees, instead everyone is plotting against everyone and everyone is flawed
>no fucking mcdonalds product placement, instead space extremists are waging jihad

Yas Forums will lose its mind when more pics are released. Yas Forums is hyped

Its hard to say
They usually tell at least a day prior when theyre gonna release a trailer
Also, big marketing push like theyre doing are usually tied with a trailer
Id say the day we get a poster, the trailer will be released the day after
I dont think we’ll get a poster today, tho

Villeneuve has yet to make a bad movie.

Kino general

They're not going to release trailers until they know for sure when cinemas are reopening. Would be pointless to release it now.

There's no reason to drop a trailer when they're gonna push the release date

Marketing online should be pushed harder since it's cheaper and it bring more people. Cinemas are dying.

Why would they? December is their best bet for the movie to succeed. Did you look up on january, february and March? It would be Suicide to move the release date from december to one of those. Dune must release this Christmas or is death on arrival.

I can't wait for retards to call this kino dishonest. It makes them seethe so hard I love it.

Only shils and homofags obesesed with twink. Rest of us is waiting for dumpster fire. CUNC

still no upcoming films or show to look forward to

Arrival was bad. Everything else this decade was mediocre. I guess Enemy was decent.

Why cant movies get decent box office after christmas?

Becausethere is a reason why january is being called the death month of movies. People really don't have that much money after christmas and new year. Also, only movies that producers have no Faith in release in january. Just look at the films that release in january.

people spend in december, than they wake up in middle of winter with no money to spend on stupid shit

Wasnt Furry Road released in jan?

>Arrival was bad. Everything else this decade was mediocre. I guess Enemy was decent.

How was arrival bad? What do you consider bad?

It was a solid movie with a new take in the aliens genre. I didn't like the ending tho.

so.. you started this thread because there isn't a Dune trailer yet.

*rolls eyes* fucking Tleilaxu, i swear to god

Most of that shit is contrived nonsense whose details are always just handwaved away. Dune was one of the first to break new ground, but that alone doesn't make it good. A lot about it doesn't hold up to scrutiny and this movie will suck ass because of the current year poz.

No. It was in May.

>Sure, it wont be Jodorowsky's Dune,

thank fuck


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Are you stupid? Dune has a budget of atleast 200 million $ like Star wars movies. If it doesn't release in december to make a billion then it's dead. Dune will be PG13 and branded as a christmas movie like avatar, lotr and star wars. They want Dune to be an event. And yes, there will be a Dune toy line as well.

>Dune Toy Rumours!
>Apparently Mattel have got license to make action figures, weapons & ships based on Denis Villeneuve's new movie.

>This is unconfirmed at the moment, so take with a grain of spice!

You could predict the twist miles away. The characters weren't interesting at all and Villeneuve's clinical way of shooting and digital cinematography weren't much help to gain any emotional involvement in the drama.

>Dune will be PG13

An r rated Dune movie releasing in christmas would be DOA. R rated movies aren't that good and Dune doesn't really need r rating like lotr. Also, Joker sucks.

Yas Forums is 50% hyped to fuck for it and 50% hyped to fuck to shit on it
It'll probably be great like BR2049, and probably everyone will love it or love pretend hating it and we'll have shitposting for months on end
It's like 5am for burgers now though so site's mostly dead. There were 7 threads hitting reply cap earlier when a single image dropped so

>Also, Joker sucks.
True, I was unlucky to watch it.

I dont need R, but pg13 means it will be capeshit tier.

What is R Rated about the first part of the book?
Actually, what was R Rated about the 1984 version?

Lord of the Rings was PG13. Arrival was PG13 and they weren't capeshit tier.

Ah yes, I want r rated Dune for the adult jokes like:
>duudeee sex is adult stuf lol
>Duck my dick
>what the hell
R rating in a nutshell
>blood everywhere even though there is no need to
Of course, you want Dune to flop like Bladerunner

I'm not the user you're responding to, but I was just reminded that I love this shot:


DESU I dont think that 1984 had any R material in it. Maybe some of the deaths like Baron. You guys might be right.

movie comes out boxing day- friend works for marketing team

Because it is true. Only reddit wants Dune to be r rated for some reason.

I want it to flop cuz its mutt zoo the movie and Leto looks like fuck toy of fat jew. I dont need R rating.

Not him but
A) I dont see dune needing an R rating
B) that being said, whenever a director's vision implies an R rating should be necessary, the studio shouldn't interfere for muh profits. I trust Villeneuve enough to make a good R rated movie when a script calls for it

more like c∪∩⪽

>reddit wants Dune to be r rated
Why would soibois want that? They cant take their wifes kid to cinema that way.

>this movie will suck ass because of the current year poz.
I'm with you on that user, if the likes of Zendaya, Momoa, Chalamet, Bautista and Isaac are involved it surely will be pozzed.

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