>immigrant in rural Texas, drive a ford fiesta (what I had in UK)
>at work talking with colleague, asks what I'm doing after, tell him picking up wood to fix the decking
>"How you hauling it? Hiring a truck?"
>tell him again I'm only picking up 8 2m long pieces
>"Yeah I know, you need a truck for that sort of thing"
>"Uhhh I think they will fit in my car" (obviously confused, like how would they not?)
>Just hire a truck, it's so much easier
>"No I'm ok thankyou"
>But why? This is what trucks were made for!
>It's 8 pieces, it will fit in my car just fine
>goes on for 10 minutes before I have to bluntly tell him I'm not hiring a truck and this choice is final, he seems genuinely offended by this choice
Flicks about rural usa
Other urls found in this thread:
Incidentally it's 3.30am in Texas
>shitskin mad when white people try to maintain their heritage
they want you to fucking leave. and you should. obviously "rural america" is not for you. im not even american i just have a sense of national identity, unlike most whites who have been conditioned not to.
Been stuck in the uk for months. Cant wait to go back
Weird because in the thread you posted yesterday that I linked you were clearly still in the US.
Lol the state of 4channel reading comprehension/critical thinking...
>"Where should I post my made-up Redditor blogpost about how bad people in Texas are for being white? Ah, I know! Yas Forums - Television & Film!"
your heritage is trucks?
go back where, retard?
im not sure if youre just an idiot or intentionally being dishonest. probably the latter, or maybe you're so stupid you don't even realize you're lying to yourself. go back to whatever shithole your parents ran away from.
Texans aren't white
>this pisspoor deflection
You're full of bullshit and I'm saddened you can't even try to defend it.
>visit conference in Wisconsin
>able to combine it with holidays in the US
>decide for a road trip in the heartland and the NW
>toxic water in many places like Washington
The last time I wasn't able to drink tab water was in Poland in the mid-90s, so right after communism collapsed. The US is merely larping as a first world country.
>not liking science
things that didnt happen
On holiday in the uk and stuck here cause of lockdown. Still got my job there
your heritage is trucks?
You mean Michigan?
The movie about that old ass dude driving on a road in a tractor to his mad brother or something, very sad movie
Nice of your hospital to grant you a holiday during a global pandemic. Especially since time off in America is rare.
I don't even care if it is real or made up, that's just an incredibly boring story and you're a fucking cunt for wasting everyone's time posting it as if there's some magical reason we should give a shit. Stay in Texas and don't come back you dull fuck.
the worst redpill is realizing that all of America is the same. The whole world is the same. All humans are really the same. I WISH the human species was more diverse. Globalization and world capitalism has made the whole world look the exact same.
>8 2m long pieces
Maybe he was concerned that you didn't factor in the other dimensions which would determine whether or not they would actually fit in your shitty car and the fact that you are too stupid to even think about this proves that your story is bullshit.
i have a peugeot 106 and i have never had a problem with fitting stuff into it. trucks/SUVs are a meme
My hospital sponsors people for h1bs/j1 exemptions because otherwise they’ll be waiting years without suitable applicants. Many in less desirable places do this and you are beyond delusional if you think they’ll fire someone and go through the process again instead of give unpaid time off.
this heritage?
dpeends on if you're a shitskin and live in texas i spose
Because he's buying 20x40's or some shit? The fuck kind of deck boards can you not reasonably fit in a car?
This doesn't explain why the gave you unpaid time off during a global pandemic. Also those visas are for temporary foriegn workers not immigrants.
i already said im not american. i'll just settle with you being a moron.
>"How you hauling it? Hiring a truck?"
want to know how I know this never happened?
He's obviously an autobot, you dumbfuck
ya thanks for showing everybody how jews are subverting our countries. you do my job for me, thanks a lot.
>I am a whiny faggot who proves everything wrong about immigrants right
Nigger, you use a truck because hauling longboard in a car is a recipe for getting fucked up, fucking your car up and injuring yourself plus if state patrol or local police saw you hauling it like that you would have been ticketed it. the man was trying to help you. It's called hauling an unsecured load. You, being the immigrant nigger you are, probably did not even red flag your boards.
hello fellow texan. In the last killed thread some non-american was talking shit about san antonio, did you see that?
Every Christian that is not Catholic, Orthodox, or Coptic are literally pozzed.
who here hydroxychloroquine gang? 100% immune to China-19, feeling healthier than I ever have. God Bless DJT