ok why the FUCK didn't you assholes tell me it was kino
Ok why the FUCK didn't you assholes tell me it was kino
Because only smooth brains have that opinion and we're /film/ here.
Video game tier
takes too long to become interesting and in the end it was a fairly irrelevant side story. Sure it was neat but neat is not good enough for a recommedation
I can't recall a single movie from this year that didn't suck
what was the most recent movie you thought was good?
So its one continuous shot right? war movies should span days not hours.
Were you around when it first came out? Because the entire thread was talking about how kino it was
Saw it a few days ago, regret not seeing in theatres. It reminds me a bit of Gravity
>what was the most recent movie you thought was good?
serenity (2019)
it's not actually but it's made to feel that way, yes.
>ht? war movies should span days not hours.
Yeah, I kind of dismissed it as a gimmick when I first heard about it but the trailer piqued my interest. I think it was used to it's maximum potential here and actually made sense for the story. It's not about the war as a whole really
I must have missed them
>regret not seeing in theatres
the night scene was one of the most kino experiences i've ever had in a theater, i got goose bumps during it
Me too. Its a gorgeous movie
There are a number of obvious breaks, and one deliberate break. The way the film is shot and edited really hampered it, I feel, because if anything is dramatic it's war. 1917 makes it feel rather pedestrian for the most part.
yeah i realize it wasnt actually filmed in one go, i just dont see anything compelling happening in a war movie over a couple real time hours.
Watch 24. Every episode takes place over 1 real world hours. It can work, and has worked in many shows/movies.
it's not real time either
but theres 24 episodes in a season.
The salton sea
the timeline in the movie is longer than the two hour running time
how if its one shot? sped up sections?
It's garbage
Dragged Across Concrete
it fades to black
ah so its not all one shot. my mistake
grapes of wrath
Because it's garbage.
Completely reliant on the one shot gimmick, soldiers not acting like proper soldiers, retarded events after retarded events, and no actual plot development at any point.
Stick to capeshit.
>play this movie
>first scene is two effete soiboys with soft jawlines that look fresh out of high school traversing the battlefield
Turned it off and put on Paths of Glory. Modern warfilms are made by limpwrist homosexuals that try to inject their own Judaized narrative on actual events suffered by hard bastards. Compare the casts of classic warfilms to anything made in the past decade. It's men vs boys.
most of the people going to war were boys
weren't there like literal boys fighting in WWI?