On THAT Bombshell scene

Margo Robbie's whore 1000 cock stare character steps into the Fox Weinsteins office, he asks her to do a twirl and lift up her panties and show some cameltoe so she can get a $200k job. She acts like this is worse than the gang bang with 4 guys at Spring break 10 years ago.

There was/is no gun, no threat to her or her family, nothing about losing her job.

She says "ok" hehe smiling - didn't say "na thanks mate" and walk out of the room

>Who was in the wrong here again??

I expected something more convincing and with more balls from the director of Austin Powers.

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How do I marry a slut like her bros

>look mom I posted it again XD

>How do I marry a slut
Reconsider your course

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>She acts like this is worse than the gang bang with 4 guys at Spring break 10 years ago.

She chose to have a the 4 guys gangbang, shes being forced to show her smelly vagoo. Thats the difference.

I think the point he's making is that it should be no problem to a whore.

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user, it's your mother, Heres your tendies sonny boy


>With words.

No I know thats his point but I'm saying that theres a difference between choosing to be a whore and being forced to be a whore.

It's a very minor difference if she's one already.

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I didn't say she was smart.

>with words

Why do women openly admit that they are the weaker sex? A man would just decline, walk the fuck out and go be successful somewhere else.

Pray tell, what does this image mean?

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It means look after your friends who's heads are shaped like their houses.

alright maybe I need to stop drinking now

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And do what instead? The only reason I'm drinking is cause there are no more drugs.

Mushrooms I guess I still have some left over I have a few Xanax but I've never done it and I'm afraid I'll accidentally myself

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reminds me of that half-life 2 mod for some reason

Tramadol is where it's at man, as for xanax, they'll just feel like sleeping tablets at the start, not really worth it but then again this is coming from someone who doesn't suffer anxiety.

I can see that
I heard Soma was good but honestly I just collect pills for some reason I still haven't made the leap from alcohol to pills just yet

For me it was pills first then alcohol. Once you withdraw from your poison of choice you need to fill the void with something else. While whiskey is pretty fucking meh, it does a decent job.

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alcohol is at least financially manageable pill prices have way too high a range for me to start I've been drinking a shit load of "Navy Rum" lately

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>pill prices have way too high a range for me to start
You can get 100 50mg tramadols for less than 50 bucks.


The irony is that she had no trouble doing this on film.

>shes being forced

By who exactly?

well she was totally naked on the set of WoWS so this is nothing

>need to fill the void with something else

World/life be like that if there’s no purpose. I was in the same boat...

Look into Islam to find out Who created you and why... but you need proof it’s real. Muslims say the Qur’an (Word of God) is this proof as it has yet to be replicated (its form) since it was revealed 1400 years ago.

So worth looking into at least. I did and it saved my life.


"The miraculous nature of the Qur'an is miraculous due to the fact that when we exhaust the reality of the Arabic language - 28 letters, finite grammatical rules and words - we exhaust it... and we [still] can't produce the form of the Qur'an.

If we do anything [to try replicate the Qur'an], it still falls into the category of prose and rhymed prose or poetry."

- Hamza Tzortzis

This is what shits me off about some of the Me Too shit. If your first thought when being propositioned in exchange for a job is "oh fuck my career" over "oh fuck I'm about to get violated by a smelly old Jew" then you're a slut pure and simple. Devalues all of the women who actually got raped.

Australian women will lick cigarette butts off soiled toilet seats just for another Vodka Cruiser, especially a Queenslander like her.

I hate how film critics rate movies based on how important they are over how good they are. You can't trust any American film critic. They're childish and agenda driven. I mean they wanted Joker to fail purely because they thought it was about glorifying incels.

They're this trash ? even the 10/10 stacies like magot ?

Where to start with Islam? I’ve been curious


>are women trash
You really have to ask?

Playing devil's advocate here; It's more about creating a ceiling.

In an alternative universe where that person were a man, they'd both get hired, move through the ranks, and then make it to this point. But the dude would, given that his performance was the same as the female counterpart, would just go on to get the 200K job. Whereas she'll have to degrade herself to do it.

The "no one held a gun to your head" thing doesn't make any sense. Maybe if a guy walked up to her in the street and offered her $10,000 to suck his dick, that would make sense. Because then it's really up to her.