>go over to a friend's place to watch some kino
>their TV has a massive black line down the middle cause its partially broken
>motion interpolation is also on
>"you'll get used to it bro."
why do people live like this.
>go over to a friend's place to watch some kino
>their TV has a massive black line down the middle cause its partially broken
>motion interpolation is also on
>"you'll get used to it bro."
why do people live like this.
Other urls found in this thread:
Which Rickety Cricket episode is that image from?
tvs are degenerate anyway
He knows vikings had combs, right?
My gramma's house has something fucked with the tv where the left half of the screen is slightly more saturated than the right half
no money for replacing it or laziness
how could they, do you think Vikings invented plastic or something?
Usually carved out of bone.
they made them from bone
When's the last time you used a bone comb you faggots? Stop making shit up
Yesterday. It was a gift from my uncle.
You can't make plastic out of bone, user
You're silly.
>tell a friend to check out this movie I saw
>"okay, I'll see if it's on a streaming service"
>it definitely isn't on a streaming service
and I guess he will just never see that movie.
stop being such a hipster then
>you will never go back to the kino days where your friend's mom would have tons of illegally downloaded movies in awful quality on burned DVDs
was his YouTube channel kino?
no, it was 90% pointless rambling with 10% insightful thought and complete bullshit sprinkled in
pff, I remember back in my day my freinds dad had a huge box filled with old vhs tapes that he copied movies on. We would watch random ones we picked out hoping for porn but thats how we discovered Predator, The Thing, Evil Dead, Dawn of The Dead etc, all the classics
If you wanted to laugh at how stupid he is, then maybe.
But each video was like 15 - 20 minutes of him sitting in his car rambling about nothing or denying his crimes with a minute or two about hating jews
I laughed at the one where he calls the guy he murdered a faggot
>Euronymous was a Ho-Mo-Sexual
Man Norwegians really all look the same. Varg looks and sounds identical to my uncle who's Norwegian. I've always found his videos way funnier because of that.
the videos where he was just driving in the forest were very comfy
I had a friend like this. he had a huge red channel number on the screen because he was too stupid to program the universal remote. he said something similar. "after a while you don't even notice it." it was an old tv you had to put on channel 4 or 3 for input
fuckin idiot I wanted to kill him
just watch Lars bro. way comfy and he is not a murderer
They were unironically comfy however his rambling was mostly retarded.
Fuck youtube for deleting channels though I hate this shit so much and I hate people justifying it even more
How come varg talks shit about civilization but has revenue through his books, his music, his fag tabletop game and from the french state?
Is he a cuck?
The best argument against Varg's ideas was Varg himself. Shame, I miss laughing at that snownigger.
do any of you even like black metal? or you just like le Yas Forums man?
Say hi to your uncle varg for me.
i think he definitely believes in some cospiracies sincerely but he also plays his tinfoiler audience a lot
Varg is a nigger.
>He got a girl pregnant as a teen and hasn't been a part of his child's life since
>Got into a feud with a music rival that ended in murder
>Has been to prison
>Lives off gibs
>Pumps out as many welfare babies as possible
>Blames society for his own fuckups
Luckily he still has a twitter account but it just isnt the same
How do we solve the paganigger problem?
Reminds me of Dwarf Fortress music.
i like black metal
varg no longer likes black metal
Maybe one day you will understand.
itt: seething fat children
Based Dungeon Synth poster
Why is he even argueing with kids?
Varg is the literal definition of a "Based Retard"
I like this song
I can't say for certain that Varg is a schizo. But if he is it would explain a lot.
Daily reminder that if white people were snow-niggers we wouldn't be going extinct right now. Really makes you think that perhaps the society that's built on (((christian values))) that tell you to behave meekly and to slave-away to the point where you don't have enough time or money for two or more children - to the point where you're forced to import cheap masses of lower IQ people which are easier to control but the 1% doesn't care since they still have slaves... almost makes you think about it. But no, monetary values good. Materials good.
>hates christianity
>twitter handle is derived from a christian writer
Reminder that Varg is a controlled opposition D&C disinfo shill
Varg's channel got deleted during a mass purge triggered by Steven Crowder of all people. But yeah, fuck youtube.
Could you elaborate? I usually don't care about internet dramaz but this one sounds interesting.
christcucks on suicide watch
>Ottoman lover
Yeah, fuck Varg.
Okay, but where's the part where I go to prison for stabbing a faggot?
His made up religion is an embarrassment to Europe. His retarded zambo fanbase lap it up
>implying that's bad
the best time was when the first faggot came to be, the next best time is right now.
iirc Steven Crowder got into an argument with some journalist from Vox and pointed out that he was a homosexual. Youtube then went full Kristalnacht on every vaguely right wing channel on their platform. Varg's was one of these.
Say hi yourself