What's the Worst Thing You've Seen Yas Forums?

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The most recent was Life of the Party, starring Melissa McCarthy.

that one Disney show, Jessie, that show was AWFUL

Fuck you OP this film was kino, they don't make movies like this these days.
Imagine the ogres on twitter complaining about the films portrayal of fatties if this came out today.

i laughed so fucking hard at norbit and soul plane

soul plane's great

Pleb filtered

I recall that being the only good scene.

I would bang that bitch. Name of actress?

Eddie Murphy

>hey don't make movies like this these days
No, they still make bad comedies, user.

norbit is kino

Worst thing I’ve ever seen in cinemas was I Am Legend with Will Smith.

This. I miss laughing like a retard.

They were complaining back then too.

most recently, its been Amazing Stories. the first two episodes at least. i absolutely cannot sit through another one. absolute shit writing, directing, acting, everything. everything about it is so amateur but since spielberg and apple are attached to it, it's got an okay budget or some shit. its just so so bad.

>this is a 10/10 on Yas Forums

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Is that Dynomite thing on Netflix kino ? It’s with Eddie Murphy too I believe

this shit is KINO you fucking filtered autistic fuck

Saw it in theatres. It's as bad as you think it is.

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fuck off nigger norbit was based

I'm surprised he hasn't come out as trans yet.

That looked terrible just from the trailers. What type of voodoo magic did they use to get actual A/B-listers to star in a turd like that?

More like Morbid(ly obese)


God this movie was so fucking stupid and childish. I enjoyed it though

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If Armond White said its kino..its kino

On Yas Forums?? Your thread fucking pleb

>he hasn't seen the sequel

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hahaha bro me and my mates loved this as teens, I AINT NO 300LBS, IM 165 HOW YOU DOIN

Norbit was funny as fuck. Stop being so fragile, Chang

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Today I saw someone on Yas Forums call norbit kino
Holy shit you retards will argue in the defense of absolutely anything if someone else doesn't like it

There was some scandal a few years back where he was outed as being sexually involved with a white transexual or something.

Dude has good tastes

I liked the sequel with cotton candi