Are there any films with an accurate portrayal of life on a slave ship?
Are there any films with an accurate portrayal of life on a slave ship?
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Why did the top layer travel upside down? Must've been really uncomfortable
Captain Rosenbergowitz must've been feeling creative, I guess.
amistad? i honestly dont know because ive never seen amistad but i do know its about slaves on a ship
what do they eat?
Imagine the smell
i'd rather not
The entire planet is a slave ship when you really think about it
looks comfy
the first one to sleep
The death toll on these things was obscene. If they shipped less of them and didn't pack them like sardines they'd have a larger number of survivors than they got by doing this.
Yet another piece of evidence that Jewish greed knows no half measures.
>"who fookin' fahted?"
>free ride to a better country
>niggers still complain
Like are you fucking kidding?
You get to a new world, get clothes, learn to talk, act good, get treated better than you ever could have been treated.
Still fucking complain.
Niggers are so god damn pathetic.
which slave had the best seat on the ship?
Why didn’t they just riot and overpower the crew and sail to freedom?
Hands chained to a foot chain, the foot chain is linked to a row of chains.
Try to move and you instantly trip.
Can't lift hands farther than your stomach.
In order to find that we need to specify what makes for the best seat. I think we can all agree to the following, although anyone is free to add or remove from this list
>the roomiest
>no feet near the head
>probably somewhere in the middle and near the front
>preferably not nearby anyone else's head in case of vomit
Mmmmmmmm I wonder who owned these ships......
they's don't, it's cheaper and less messy that way.
Don't forget if you're close to a wall you're more likely to have shit/piss/vomit collect there.
Definitely don't want anyone's feet near my head. Also I think boats are aft heavy so the shit liquid travels down to the back of the ship. I would want the least amount of piss and shit collected on me by the end.
So maybe the first guy on the bow would be the best. You get a wall. Maybe some fresh air from the cracks. And the sea sickness isn't as bad in the front.
How long did it take to travel to America in one of these?
If only they saw what happened to the slaves that got sent to Arabia, castrated and marched across the Sahara.
>they'd have a larger number of survivors than they got by doing this
It was for the best considering how much damage they do while only being 13% of the population.
Boat trip
Is this the fucking DEENZ thread?
Black Panther touches on the realism of what their ancestors went through
>eat one pack of nubian deenz
>get ebola
>spend two weeks shitting out blood (and all my gainz)
th-thanks mr merchant
Damn, thats a lot of niggers. Bet it smelled like fucking shit.