>name is jack black
>he is white
what the fuck did he mean by this?
Name is jack black
Other urls found in this thread:
He's Jewish, not white
>Barry White
>He is black
imagine thinking this
He identifies as Jewish. Stop being antisemetic, it's not cool.
>name is chalky white
I am sad to see JB aged and shrunk to merely Goosebumps series now
When he was young he had some charisma and I could follow him to those stupid movies
School of Rock was unbearable on one hand but it had some moments.
There's no fucking way that's even his real name
thomas jacob black
His real name is Chaim Goldbergman.
>born Jackson Rosenthal
He was never funny.
Pick of destiny is kino you pleb
Jack's single best role ever was Kung Fu Panda. Also the most underrated animation ever too. It really is a masterpiece worthy of being next to classic Disney. Only film that has pulled off 3D in a natural way imo.
>and sometimes she'll be fuckin you really hard
>what, you like that? you like that?
>slow down i'm gonna spurt
>shouldn't have fucked me so hard
>jack black
>His mother was born Jewish, while his father converted to Judaism. Black was raised Jewish, attending Hebrew school and having a bar mitzvah.
joachim schwartz probably. dude is jewish af
They're both a shade of orange.
t. retard
>this religious minority isn't my skin color despite being my skin color
Look faggots, pick something to be prejudiced about and stick with it. Stop this wishy-washy "whites are good unless they're jews then they're bad unless they're Israeli jews because those are good, magadaddy said so" crap.
>Asians are not my skin color despite being my skin color
kill yourself you kike rat fuck
please stop this anti-semetism, jews have been kicked out of every nation that hosts them. whites have simply taken over countries with their empires then given them back. also most
>"whites are good unless they're jews
correct. also race isn't just a skin colour. white is a stupid word but unfortunately many people still use it.
"whites" is a term mutts use to feel good about being 7% german, 13% anglo, 20% spanish, 2% west-african and 58% indigenous
Jack Black's entire existence is just a parody of Meatloaf.
based and redpilled
Then what are Finns
>name is David Spade
>he is white
How Who What
Jack Nigger doesn't rhyme.
>armond white
>is black
>named niggerman
>isnt a man