Kino movies available on netflix?

Gf just bought it planning on watching shit with her but the platform itself only promotes newer titles that mostly look shallow, what does tv think?

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tv thinks youre a faggot

Good stuff off the top of my head is Okja, The Death of Stalin, I am Mother, The Witch

There are a number of quality documentaries/docuseries, if you're interested. The shows/miniseries Rotten and Don't Fuck With Cats are worth watching.

What does the N stand for?



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Killing them Softly
A place beyond the pines

I scroll passed anything with the N logo, apart from the occasional series like tiger king


That's all of netflix. Anyone that recommends any netflix series/movies is a redditor btw.

Gf has an account her mom pays for. Ever since I set up a plex account for her with about 3TB worth of her favourite movies and shows (which has grown since then), she hasn't touched Netflix.

all lethal weapon and austin powers movies are on there

Have fun when she leaves you in a couple of weeks for a BBC

Buff Bro with Corona?

Mel Gibson has a movie with the blonde from The Boys called blood father. Its not bad. Pic related

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BBC really isn't that great of a network, why would OP have fun with that?

Has Gibson ever been unwatchable?

Phantom Thread

He is also fucking ripped in the movie.

I will never rewatch Hacksaw Ridge because of my hatred of Andrew Barfield. I will also never rewatch Scorsese's Silence because of him.

okja is trash


Better Watch Out. Levi Miller and Aleks Mikic are relentlessly handsome.

I'm talking about big juicy black cocks and you fags know it

Sicario 2


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The Night Comes For Us

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Mutt law is real!

I just watched The Florida Project on there. It's great.

Ballad of buster scruggs is on there too which is pretty kino

Don't Fuck With Cats is trash
