What's next for Star Wars after an extremely disappointing end to the Skywalker Saga?

What's next for Star Wars after an extremely disappointing end to the Skywalker Saga?

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Old Republic

Republic era prequels, and TV series.

>Oh hohooo, it's the little monkey girl, trying to take my place, well well well

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seriously what happened to her? Did she quit her job cuz she was creep out by all those mutts in Florida?

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Is that based on a comic book?

that's really harsh jenny

It's based on the Knights of The Old Republic games set like 3000 years before A New Hope.

>well hey, I didn't start it

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Megan starring as a Mandalorian

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More baby shit. Clone wars, baby yoda show etc

Megan starring in the Resistance.

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Disney should just make Clone Wars and Mando on Disney Plus for hardcore vir- fans and not make anything else just to let people cool off and get nostalgic for the disney films.

Maybe release Avatar 2 and 3 first and then start a new trilogy December 2025.

star wars vr

Megan visiting Nal Hutta.

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Megan starring as a Jawa.

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We need more baby yeed

why is she so smol?

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me in the back

Where did you get that pic of my wife?

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Why did you crop Asian Clint out of the photo?

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Sounds interesting. Are those old SW games any good?


The story for both games is top notch, the gameplay however like most early Bioware games is trash.

interesting eyes who is?

You need to slit your faggot throat.

Disney should stop pandering to nostalic boomers.

I totally agree. But Star Wars sells tickets, I wouldn't mind seeing some Sci-Fi kino with none of the shit from the OT winking at the screen every 5 minutes.

>Star Wars sells tickets
not any more mouse nigger

Rise of Skywalker was a fucking dumpster fire and yet it STILL made 1 billion. Cope.

Seriously, if they just sit on the franchise for 5 years, audiences will be foaming at the mouth for more StarShit again.

why does megan have a bf at 18 and poor jenny never has had one at like 29?

Because Jenny's a good girl!

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megan a cute

jenny is a dyke

its not only 'bad girls' that have a bf or fiance, jeezus christ. besides you can see she is clutching for somebody, the way when she is listening to anything her hands start clasping and squeezing whatever she has around. look at ship of ghouls she picks this little dinosaur up and doesn't stop ardently kneeding it for a good hour