Underrated comedies

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I love this movie

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is it really underrated?

my life

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Dirty Work

it's more unintentional like the happening

Matt and Tray are too self-aware to do live action comedy.

I've only watch past the 20mins mark, but all I know about this movie is Reel Big Fish did a cover to Take on Me for the soundtrack. Saw them live about 10 years ago and they played it. Was pretty based.

i just noticed how weird it was they put jenny mccarthy on the cover even though she has only a fraction of the screentime of yasmine bleeth

>10 years ago was 2010 NOT 2000

man i wish 2000 was still 10 years ago


Bad Taste

>gave Alicia Silverstead a 5 second cameo just so they could put her on the cover
Ah, the good old days.

Loaded Weapon 1

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It was Victoria Silvstedt and that's Jenny McCarthy but whatever.

Everytime they try out a new format they say they hated doing it. Not sure how true it is.

Book of Mormon movie when?

>tfw you discover General Butt Fucking Naked was based on a real person

I fucked a freshly 18 year old while this movie was on at my coworker's apartment on her couch. She walked in on us fucking. Good times, love this movie. She let me cum inside too.

I'm sure Naked Gun also did the magazine insert joke

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Both this and Senior Trip are underrated kinos and the only movies outside of the Vacations of bearing the National Lampoon name. And yes Vegas Vacation still counts as it's a better film than European aside from a few one off gags. Hey kids Big Ben

>Book of Mormon movie when?
Who knows if they'll even make it. Sibce Book of Mormon those two have done jack shit except a few South Park seasons so bad I've stopped watching.
I sometimes wonder if they're just out if steam and will just retire soon to spend the rest of their days sleeping on top of a big pile of money surrounded by beautiful women.

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Even Trey and Matt admit that Baseketball was trash.

They're completely out of touch with the topics they try to do on South Park now. They're well and truly bourgeoisie class and can't make the funny working class comedy that they used to.

I actually think Andy Samberg is a lot more talented than people give him credit for

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Yeah and they think current South Park is the best ever so I can care less what they think about it

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No, Matt and Trey openly shit on it for being a shit movie.