>Thread for discussing the classic show, The Simpsons.

We are in a golden age of Simpsons episodes, and we will reach the historic last episode on May 17, 2020. Wow. It has been a great run, i'm sure we will all have great memories of this show for the rest of our lives. Or for now (for the older folks)

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One word

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Personally, I liked that the show was able to have a variety of jokes, while still being hip and relevant to the political climate

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Simpsons ends in 2021. Disney doesn’t want to continue the show.



who's genitalia are we going to see in the sequel to the movie

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>variety of jokes
>while still being hip and relevant

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legit hope the VA for Homer dies so this show can get fucking cancelled already

>When Maggie goes to preschool, Marge decides to get a job to pass the time and ends up working at an upscale weed dispensary; Homer decides to open his own dispensary that mimics a sketchy drug deal, putting their two businesses at odds.

look at all these Homers

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Jesus Christ the robotic digital animation is so FUCKING SOULLESS

But I want the Earthworm Jim cartoon to come back. I hope Yeardley Smith dies instead.

kys die and bleed

not mention an absolute eyesore

Toon Boom Animation software is the death of Western Cartooning. And Weebs aren't even safe as it's being adopted by anime. Everything that's made with it is robotic and stiff.

will we ever have animation as expressive and fun to watch as it was in the 80s and 90s again?


They have more than enough high quality voice files that they can create an extremely convincing machine learning voice for any cast member that dies. Fox had enough decency to retire Krabappel but Disney won't.

Yeah, it's puppet animation, so instead of being hand-drawn, the take pre-existing assets and digitally insert in-between frames, some new frames are still drawn but all digitally coloured, it's fucking disgusting. Family Guy and Horseman are the most blatant examples of it.
Rick & Morty uses puppeting too, but there's so many new backgrounds and characters drawn in that show, the lazy character animation isn't always noticed.



>Ren & Stimpy
>Rocko's Modern Life
>Earthworm Jim
>Garfield and Friends
>Thundarr the Barbarian

>Teen Titans Go
>Big Mouth
>Steven Universe
>Thundercats Roar

Not on TV or streaming, hell, even online animators are dying out and moved to the let's play meme.

All the new animators coming out of Cal Arts or other schools will never know or understand hand-drawn cel animation, only Toon Boom bullshit. That's why all the newer shows on Cartoon Network or Nick or whatever have stiff, non-exciting animation.

Modern/young animators don't understand the artistry of in-between frames either. You see lots of people memeing on the Simpsons with out of context screenshots of inbetween animations but in motion its very fluid and looks fantastic. Groening banned those from the show and no other adult cartoons were doing them.

You never know, I don't think anyone could predict the 90s Silver Age of Cartooning. I doubt it for a several reasons:
>It's expensive
I mean lets be real if you're the producer it's hard to justify drawing variations of the same animation frames over and over when you can just used the same ones constantly.
>It takes talent and the talent pool isn't there
This is based on what I've read on Yas Forums, /ic/, and Yas Forums but basically Art School doesn't focus on this stuff anymore, they switch over to teaching how to work with computers. Are there young people who can animate like Kevin Altieri or Brad Bird did, yes but they're not being taught the techniques to do so?
>The cartoons of today are focused on fast production and that just can't be done with classic 2D
Remember 15 years ago when everyone shit their pants because it was impressive how South Park could make a cartoon focused on current events that happened days before? Well that appeal spread throughout media. If they want to a show like The Simpsons or Rick and Morty can produce content like that in a couple weeks. To quote classic Simpsons "very few cartoons are broadcast live. It's a terrible strain on the animators' wrists."
>And finally, the real talent are working on CGI Feature Length Films
Rich Moore & Jim Reardon were MVP cartoonists for The Simpsons. Now they work for Disney. The real talent are going to work for The Mouse or Dreamworks because that's where the money is.

I think I sperged hard enough: sneed.

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I am the OP. I specifically started this thread for people to post Sneed in, and you fuckers are having actual discussion on animation what the mugg


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I remember being shocked as a kid hearing an episode of the Simpsons took 8 months to make. Now with their digital animation I think they crank them out in a month.