I'll start
Celebrity Lookalike thread
Wait, these are the same guy. I thought you wanted lookalikes?
the guy from upgrade and the guy from venom. too lazy to post.
tom hardy and logan marshall green
Wynona, Keira, Natalie
forgot pic
Ah, yes. The fuck-matrix.
That dude from The Grey and John Ritter
They don’t look anything like each other besides being white, brown hair, blue eyed manlets. They get confused for each other because LotR and Harry Potter were big at the same time
Autism: the thread.
Me and Ryan Gosling. I don't have a pic right now but I'll post one in a sec
Ok this one got me pretty good
Hurry up, user
Could they be related?
>who are you
>I'm you, but more powerful
Why not just post kpop idols, Asian actors, jav actresses, etc..
They're both relentlessly handsome.
>ahh yes yes bbe. smell my dick
Lily James / Andrew Garfield
Keira could easily play a role of a decoy for Portman's character. I wonder why noone has done this before
I thought it was pretty amazing in 2001 that the dude landed two big franchise movies at the same time.
That woman on the left was built for BBC
I look like arnie