ITT: post your country and the best 3 films that have come out of it

Rojo Amanecer
Después de Lucía

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Laurence of Arabia
The Third Man
Dr No


Eternity and a Day
Landscape in the Mist
The Travelling Players

It's time to promote Songs of Pasta'ay again

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does anyone know?

Animal Kingdom and Crocodile Dundee 2

Tuntematon Sotilas 1955
Tuntematon Sotilas 2017
Ailo: Pienen Poron Suuri Seikkailu

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Amores perros
el laberinto del fauno
Animas trujano

Mad Max movies
The Dish

The Word 1955
Babette's Feast 1987
Pelle the Conqueror 1987

It's that movie I saw right

Manila in the Claws of Light

>Bosnia and Herzegovin
When father was away on business
No man’s land
Walter defends Sarajevo

Wake in Fright

You'd have more luck promoting a torrentable film

Good filmmaking is good filmmaking regardless of one's political opinions.
>laberinto del fauno

El Ángel Exterminador
El Topo

Wake in Fright
Mad Max
Bad Boy Bubby

Mad Max
The Castle
Animal Kingdom

Wake in Fright is supposed to be the GOAT Aussie movie but I've never watched it.

You really should.
The Castle is good, but has zero foreign appeal.

Poland has way too many depressing art house films, so it’s hard to sift through what is genuinely good and what is pretentious
>Interrogation (1989), only just because it was literally shelved for 10 years since it btfo’d the communist party
>Escape from Liberty Cinema (1990) is genuinely funny and entertaining, most people like it because it was a refreshing film that took the piss out of the old government after the regime fell
>Potop (1974) just absolute kino. A little boring and long but by far the best film Poland has ever produced.

Porky's 2
Strange Brew

Andrei Rublev
War and Peace
Hard to be a God

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Attack of the clones and revenge of the sith

The Godfather
Apocalypse Now
2001: A Space Odyssey

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Wojciech Has is pretty kino ngl

Mies vailla menneisyyttä
Pahat pojat
Kaasua, Komisario Palmu

Op those three movies are shit
Los olvidados
Amores perros

Are the pinnacle of mexikino


Vacanze di Natale 90
Alex l'ariete
Troppo Belli

El laberinto is much better than the Franco piece of shit but not by much given del taco eye-rolling usual contrivances

Not even close, fat chilango.
Ensayo de un crímen
Angel exterminador

Popiół i diament
Noce i dnie

They're all old though, contemporary polish cinema is mediocre at best.

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