Movies where the almost forgotten hero returns to dunk on the villain?

Movies where the almost forgotten hero returns to dunk on the villain?

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what happens when you click one of these things?

I liked it when Obambo killed an american citizen with a drone without a trial, then killed his 17 year old american citizen son 2 weeks later, also without a trial.

Bros why can't I squash centipedes?

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he should do it again

Watch internet historian's video. Or you can just click on it yourself.

What's your favourite episode of The Non-Family?

Because they're harmless and hunt other bugs.

centipede propaganda, kill those fuckers on site

I liked it where he mismanaged a plague reaction that it caused the Great Stagnation.

Oops. China runs the world now mutt.

Trump is literally smarter than Barry "The Nigger" Obongo

You can say trump caused this, others will say the impeachment kept congress busy, others will say it was unavoidable.

What is 100% undebatable is obambo murdered 2 american citizens without trial.

They're scary af. My gf would scream if she saw one.

t. silverfish



Yes its me who is coping. You literally could care less that obambo executed 2 american citizens, one a 17 year old boy, without trial. Because he is that fucking untouchable in your eyes.

How does that fit in with trump being an incompetent born rich used car salesman

>I share this board with literal boomerzoomer subhumans who don't use adlock


Why would I want to lock the ads you stupid boomer?

What are you referring to?

trying too hard

they are phoneposters
god only knows how many zoomer shitskin phoneposters are on Yas Forums in 2020, I'd say more than half the users

Obama killed Anwar al Waki with a targeted drone strike. He made isis recruitment videos on youtube. But since there was no formal declaration of war, it isnt so clear cut if he was aiding and abetting. Especially since, as an american citizen, he had free speech. 2 weeks later obambo killed al Wakis 17 year old son in another targeted drone strike as he was trying to find out what happened to his father.

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what the fuck is her problem?

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obama is a homosexual and michelle is a tranny. i challenge you to find a single picture of her pregnant.
>protip: you can’t.

>Crying over a dead shitskin
One of the good things Obama did during his terms.

Lmao who cares, just reading about it the father is clearly someone who deserved to die. Killing the son seems fucked up though

If you had one more like

>What is 100% undebatable is obambo murdered 2 american citizens without trial.

But they were terrorists. I thought bombing terrorists and their family members was a good thing. Hell, that's what Trump ran on in 2016. Or does that only apply to foreign terrorists?

1 was a terrorist, the other nope

>Blocked off the sources of the Chink Twink Clink
>Did not resort to totalitarian bullshit
>Works with the states, rather than FOR the states
>Promotes hope rather than cynical thoughts

Bombing terrorists doesn’t affect me. Fucking the economy Titanic style does. I know who I’ll be voting for

You get things like the Red Dawn Emails kind of nukes any argument you have right?

Like you have none. 0. None at all.

We just need to figure out how to fix his fuck up