

Attached: 20200414_153319.jpg (1440x2072, 626.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What is this? Why do I keep seeing this everywhere, looks like South Park

The creator bought ad space on Yas Forums to shill his shitty show. He most likely makes threads shilling it as well. OP is probably the show's creator.

Hiro got paid off by a security service to install a honeypot, 10 yen for every click

a lesson to future advertisers not to waste their money on 4channel, are they over 200k views yet?

Absolute fucking kino

I loved it when the giantess emerged from the sewers

Attached: Screenshot_20200413-233817.png (1440x3120, 1.43M)

was about to make the same thread
How the fuck do I disable these ads on chrome android? inb4 install some slow meme browseer

Attached: Screenshot_20200414-083736.png (720x1280, 313.52K)

I watched it all the way through. Not funny, poorly animated and the characters were shit.

Phone posters get the rope

I wonder how much money Ivan is wasting shilling this with the literal adds and threads such as this one.

chrome is a meme browser

started getting random headaches and really vivid, bizarre dreams after watching this
been seeing freaky shit out of the corners of my eyes also

Well it seems to work

I had a dream I was Molly last night.

>He doesn't have any adblocker

>he doesn't enjoy Ad Kino

Attached: channel.jpg (900x1299, 451.33K)

only a week until the next episode bros

if the clues are to be believed

Does it though?
Let's look at the numbers.
Video was uploaded 5 months ago. it has 133k. the channel has 1.02k subs. 617 comments 672 thumbs up and 1.1k thumbs down.
That is pretty small time. Is Ivan trying to get Yas Forums to spread it to reddit/other sites? Is advertising on Yas Forums that cheap? Is Ivan just a rich shitposter wasting money?

>Is advertising on Yas Forums that cheap?

where do i watch this?

It had 60k views before the ads started here, also had no comments which is weird


Didn't even post the link, it's so obscure you can't even find it by googling 'The Non-Family' on google.

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first time seeing this, it is strangely unnerving

It has been a pleasant change of pace from the porn ads if nothing else. Make me reminisce when random anons wouldoay for ad space to troll eachother. I wonder how much it costs these days

but why

there are 2 episodes in russian, on another channel, the first translated into English

They were posted 6 months ago

WHY ADVERTISE THIS SHIT NOW? It makes zero sense.

>he doesn't have adblock

Why is this on pornhub, wtf

Attached: (m=eaAaGwObaaaa)(mh=TPQyQb50lz-u6f3G)7.jpg (640x360, 44.57K)

It is almost south park but just off. I wonder if it's made in SFM/blender with Stick of Truth and Fractured but whole assets?

I also found 2 russians sharing this link on twitter, both have the same names - possible bot accounts?
and searching full title The Non-Family 01: Molly’s Birthday on Yandex returns some skinny girl naked - possible cp?

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does shit like this happen often on Yas Forums? i've been running adblock since forever. never knew shit like this occurred.

holy shit, yandex images results are full of disgusting cp 3d animation with babies, fuck this shitty mk ultra cartoon