He is unroincally one of the best actors ever. He has been putting on an act for so long and hasn't broke character.
He is unroincally one of the best actors ever. He has been putting on an act for so long and hasn't broke character
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he broke character in court when he admitted it was all an act.
Is that Bruce Willis? What the fuck happened?
bros... is this true?
Nah. He merely became the person he acted to be. So he is not acting anymore.
yes. in his divorce case to try and have custody of his kids.
what a cuck
He should have done more vlogs
Same thing happened to Dice. It's kind of fucked if you think about it.
his deposition over Sandy Hook is fascinating too
This is the only thing i respect about him.
His ex claimed that he was unstable, you just had to see his show. She would have gotten full custody and decided when he could see his kids.
Because he loves his kids, instead of keeping up his lucrative act, he submitted in court that this was a persona, not real, and his show was just a performance. His kids mattered more.
fucking bitch.
married to alex jones and his schtick is suddenly a problem when she can make political hay out of it.
women were indeed a mistake.
you should really have sex
Nah, he fucked up and is trapped now. Since he got kicked off of social media he's in limbo - he can't make the content that made him money as his audience is lower, but if he tries to shift into something more mainstream the schizos that do still follow him will switch off.
You reap what you sow.
He should be in fucking prison for the sandy hook shit
>Be a parent
>Your kid gets fucking killed in a mass shooting
>You don't get any sympathy for it, instead you get infowars retards ruining your life saying it was a hoax and harassing you all the time
based retard
Fuck off schizo.
post the video
I actually gained respect when i found out he jerked off to trannies.
>he should be in prison because other people allegedly harassed people
ok retard
I honestly dont think he's acting. I feel like thats who he is, half of the stuff he says is not even that fair fatched, and the other half is supported by evidence.
Him stating that it's all an act could have just been an act in court to get the kids. He said those things to not sound completly insane since the normies can't take it. The school shooting stuff fucked up his career, even though he had good points about it and people shouldn't latch onto mistakes he made, nobody is perfect. But people are retarded and the notion of questioning EVERYTHING is too hard for them. Everyone above 30 over here belives the magic TV man word to word. Kinda cringe desu. Anyways I love alex, and google and everybody else censoring him and David Icke over the 5G stuff just proves him right even more honestly.
no one's buying it retard
go back to ledit
Yeah. He caused all of it to happen and actively supported it. People in a position of influence should take responsibility for the actions of people they influenced.
Seconding this
that's retarded my guy.
Oh lord, it's one of these retards! This happened so long ago, i never thought id get to see this retarded argument again, this is fucking delightful!
Listen, retard, he didn't lie to the judge and risk his kids. He lies to you. For money.
Okay... So you're saying we should hold HITLER accountable then? Lmao, okay crazy
How is it retarded? If a left wing twitter retard suddenly decided they hated you and started spreading baseless claims about you, then people started harrassing you at home as a result, do you think the person who invented those claims is innocent?
>Anyways I love alex, and google and everybody else censoring him and David Icke over the 5G stuff just proves him right even more honestly.
Imagine unironically believing this.
Don't feed the trolls, user.
A lot of the time they aren't trolls any more.
Not really you could see through it back in the mid-2000s if you simply went to infowars.com He's been selling Snake Oil for a long time now.
imaginers willl go to hell
He's not acting, it's just that when you are a radio host or an actor or whatever and you get popular its because of something specific about your personality that people watch your show for. They just catch onto it and start doing an exaggerated self-imitation that is in some sense a performance, but that doesn't mean he doesn't actually believe what he's saying, it'd be impossible for him to do his show for decades without any self-awareness.