Who would you pick

Who would you pick

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15 bronns

As I've never actually seen 90% of this show I'm going
>Samwell Tarly-1$

How did I do? I'm really just putting all my eggs in the basket of the Lannisters to be honest.

>no bobby b
shit list

You get your shit slapped by ever group that has Wun Wun

Stannis 2
Jaqen 3
Tywin 5
Arya 3 (infinite plot armor works)
The Hound 2

What is a "Wun-Wun," An why do I get my shit slapped?

Wun Wun

And one left to tip the whore after I win.

Jon, Bran, Robb, Arya, no muscle.
Automatically win since i have the entire north united and literal magic man shenanigans.


lol nah

Retarded pricing, you can afford the best of the best easily
>Wun Wun

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I went with Olenna because Tyrion drank away all his braincells after season 4.

If I pick Dany, do I get her dragons too?

If we go by show canon only, Stannis is a fucking retard, Bran is an uncooperative retard, Tyrion is the most gullible person in the Seven Kingdoms, and Wun Wun is useless, so the pricing would be semi-accurate. You can kind of conclude that the person who made this (and most others) never read the books.

I'd assume all resources involved with x character if they are a leader.

So Jon gets the wall and wild.
Stannis would have his armies.
Robb would have the northern armies.

Subordinates do not get resources outside of personal resources.

Reading is for fags

Meli, Tywin and Oberyn

I keep all the money and spend it on whores

the mountain

hey wun wun, you got any weapons? wanna uproot a tree and make a 20 ft 300 lb spear to fuck everyone up?

nah, im just gonna slap at everyone like a drunk guy trying to kill a fly

To be fair, all of the characters according to show canon are retards except Sansa and Arya because plot armor and muh feminism.

Stannis 2
Jaquen H'ghar 3
Robb Stark 3
Daario Naharis 4
Khal Drogo 3

Twenty good men

Wun-Wun was the best thing this show ever did.

Hey Wun Wun, how about some armor? Since you are incredibly strong but also vulnerable to pointed weapons?

God that show was dumb.

this, all you need really.

Stannis $2
Melisandre $4
Tywin $5
Bronn $1
Hound $2

I have a dollar leftover so I’ll take Tormund too

Tywin, Stannis, Jaqen, Oberyn, Khal Drogo

am I only allowed one person from each group? why wouldn't I just buy all the $1 and $2 people and have a group of 10?

Stannis 2
Melisandre 4
Tywin 5
Bronn 1
Drogo 3

total 15