What movies fit this theme?

What movies fit this theme?

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I hate women.

You know male hands made that meme.

This is perfect
she can take her disgusting gash away, as long as I can fuck her face and bite / burn with cigarettes her titties I'm fine.


Lol of course its a white guy

I'm just gonna invoke mutt's law right now

>burn with cigarettes her titties

500 days of summer

Negroid Phallus

Is there a male version of this?

>when you go on a date but end up in the Resident Evil laser hallway

>when she has no breast, but her pussy tight
>grab legs leave body on ground

Attached: deathtoamerica.png (637x597, 152.42K)

Women are scum

Yeah, it's called putting a paper bag over her head when the body is hot but the face is gross.

I don't get why people drink or do drugs

I get high off of respecting women.

stop samefagging, Ahmed

The based crew has arrived.

leafs are the ones that constantly post about nigger dicks.


>knowing how to fuck
Pick one. Girls are fucking terrible at having sex just like everything else.

>going to cheat instead of helping him train to become a dick god
0/10 would not walk the path of the warrior with

Why do women make the absolute shittiest memes?

Like no one here has thought the same? Meet a girl who's really cool and you like hanging out with but then the sex sucks so you friendzone her?

this happened to me and i want to kill myself every day

So literally every woman ever?
>lays there
>sits on your dick

They think that makes good sex.
Like bitch helicopter spin or something god damn.

Let me guess, you're white?

Have sex

I'm in the opposite situation right now. I've been fucking this girl for a few months and the sex is literally the best I've had in my entire life. She seemed so innocent but she's a demon in the sack. But I don't think I can imagine myself being in a proper relationship with her. She's nice but I just don't think our personalities mesh well.

>burn cigarettes with her titties

Yes. My friend's roommate was super hot and really cool and we had the same weird sense of humour and hit it off really well. We'd flirt constantly but she moved far away for a while and it kinda died off.

She came to visit and we ended up hooking up finally and I was so excited to finally fuck this chick that had me blueballing for years and it was literally the worst sex I've ever had. She just laid there motionless but was doing the most embarrassing dirty talk ever. Needless to say I stopped after only a few minutes and we never tried that again.

virgin cope

You are gay.

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why are virgins getting upset over this image? it's important to also have a sexual click with your partner, you can be great together out of bed but if the sex is trash the relationship is doomed

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Honestly, you're pathetic as fuck. You're upset the girl you're with hasn't ridden enough dicks to be good at it? Teach her how to please you. That's your job as a man. Good women are eager to please and will do what you say. My wife was a virgin when I met her and she didn't even know how to kiss when I met her and now I have way better sex with her than I ever did as a teenager fucking sluts.

I fucking wish

I dumped a chick literally because she was awful in the sack.

Too bad too cause she had the most perfect tits ever and a nice lookin pussy. But she had zero ass and her face was kinda busted.

Have sex

>had sex
>hate women even more now

me too, unless they are asian

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Are these half-Asians?