Who's your favorite scream queen?

who's your favorite scream queen?

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Barbara Crampton

your m..
ah fuck you

does Biel count?

Attached: TCM jess biel.webm (480x558, 2.81M)

Barbara Crampton


Danielle Harris as a bratty goth-girl in Urban Legend.

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Amy Steele (Friday the 13th part 2, April Fools Day)

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Biel always counts

Attached: Texas Chainsaw remake biel.webm (1080x1080, 2.94M)


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90s Neve Campbell is my wife

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I'm ESL what is scream queen

Wait... what is a 'scream queen'? Does it mean 'my horrorfu', or does it mean 'female actor that screams really well in horror films'?

actress from horror movies

usually both, but the first part is really the most important

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that one

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Attached: 130256-scream-queens-emma-roberts-hd.jpg (3000x1688, 1.32M)

Attached: Night of the demons.webm (1280x688, 2.15M)

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Why is this up for debate?

The original scream queen.

Attached: images-of-p-j-soles.jpg (801x533, 91.23K)

for me? its Daria

Attached: daria 01.jpg (320x297, 11.84K)

this is a little on the nose isn't it?

Devin Townsend

Attached: devin-townsend.jpg (630x420, 43.04K)

Well BCrampton would be my official then. But i wanna give a shout out to Dawn Harris. I really wish she did more in her peak years.

Attached: Linda-vs-Orville.webm (512x384, 2.66M)

Gail/Robyn is one of the GOAT that nobody knows. She's got a pretty extensive softcore resume, btw. Pretty sure she went into producing print porn after later on
facebook /pages/category/Author/Gail-Thackray-Harris-Pervert-Peddler-Hustler-Queen-2171055073147057/

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she's still around, too

looks cold in there,they should have made her nipples hard for uh... the sake of accuracy

AH that was her name, i know she went by a few pseudonyms. Yeah I'm aware of her association with Hustler, she's great. I just wish she did more movies. She's a pretty serviceable actor. Curse of the Komodo was terrible, but still worth it to see her in Mommy mode.
She still looks pretty good, wow.

i guess ill post a few more webms

Attached: Dawn Harris brapapabrapaa.webm (630x480, 1.86M)

>pj soles

Fuck off fag

Attached: Wheres the key Orville.webm (630x480, 2.96M)

Women were hotter in the 80s


Attached: Lets go in separate directions.webm (512x384, 2.98M)

Attached: Friday the 13th - 2009.jpg (750x500, 81.93K)

Big hair just really does it for me, Dawn had gorgeous hair.

Attached: Linda-Dawn-aPackage.webm (630x480, 2.99M)

me on the right