Characters who literally did NOTHING wrong
Can anyone explain why didn’t he just make more food using the glove?
holy shit whats wrong with her fucking hands
How does making more food solve fucking anything?
>Can anyone explain why didn’t he just make more food using the glove?
Because basketball Americans would eat it all and make more basketball Americans. His true mistake was failing to selectively kill undesirables.
Thanos is definitely an Elder God-Tier villain where his motivations are arguably better than the heroes.
I can't honestly believe how unlikable they made Tony Stark by the end.
His Arc from Iron Man to The Avengers is:
>man who makes money off the misery and suffering of millions, doesn't give a fuck
>man sacrifices himself and his work by the hand of his own weapon in order to protect millions
And then we get to Age of Ultron and he destroys the world via ignorance.
Then we get to Civil War and he's making others suffer due to his own fuck-ups.
By the time Thanos showed up, I couldn't wait for him to snap the little cunt's neck.
Ironically, her doing nothing wrong is what makes her so awful
I want to lick all that sweat
Thanos' entire premise has been proven wrong time and time again on Earth. He did plenty wrong.
But he didn’t want to racist
She didn't do anything right, either. She was written as nothing, she's nothing.
well then he shouldnt have made that twitter post in 2013
She literally did everything right tho. Name one thing she messed up or did incorrectly.
His premise was correct, his execution was flawed. All he did was delay the inevitable. If he really wanted to save the universe he should have used the power to influence the birth rates of all species so none would be able to reproduce enough to flood the cosmos.
Thanos was unironically too lenient. He needed to go a bit farther but not quite as far as the future thanos. I’m still upset how the thanos we loved was treated in endgame
They’d obviously just artificially increase their birth rates...everybody had spaceships
Why not unlimited resources?
Rejecting Kylo's hand offer to start anew.
>He needed to go a bit farther but not quite as far as the future thanos.
You mean past Thanos
>I’m still upset how the thanos we loved was treated in endgame
It was a different, younger, more ambitious Thanos. He had also watched his future self decapitated. Regardless of what you wanted to see, it makes sense that he would change tack after seeing that.
But it didn’t matter because in the end she got her way and saved the universe and kylontirned to her side
The greedy and able would get them first and make sure the rest had to tax. Also niggers and 3rd worlders who haven't been taught/don't have the capacity to learn western civility
Well I guess I can't speak for the entire universe, I just meant on Earth. On Earth, people have been predicting that shit for decades, and other people have innovated ways to meet the need and surpass it.
I’m not talking about the younger thanos, unlike most people I completely understand why you’d rage if someone chopped your head off while you were handicapped and unarmed. I mean I don’t like that after all he accomplished the original dies like that. I have hope that years from now we’ll see him again
And yet we already suffer from overcrowding in many parts of the earth. Sure technically we could fit a trillion people in giant skyscrapers until we have used up every square inch of the planet and subsist on bugs and gruel while the elite live in floating cities ruling over us. But is that really considered civilizational success? Almost every major problem could be solved by population and cultural control. The melting pot and trying to cram millions of people into a few square miles has brought nothing but suffering to the planet. Even if you got rid of major cities and spread everyone out and found ways to produce massive amounts of food that would just increase the population even more and make every problem we have now ten times worse. The answer not to expand but to strategically scale back. There is no reason why we couldn't do it, no one has the will to bring up the subjects where they could be discussed in public.
Ah I see what you're saying. I didn't mind how he died. He won, and was living out his 'retirement plan', and I guess he would have known they'd come for him, but he had destroyed the stones so he didn't care.
It has been discussed in public. Are you familiar with China's One Child policy? Forced sterilizations, denial of rights, etc. Do you think that should be implemented on a global scale?
Aside from that, with that logic I assume you never plan on having children because if you did you would be contributing to the ruin of us all. And further, if you believe it is such an issue, do you do what you can to use limited resources? Do you plan to kill yourself to make more resources available for others in this inevitable problem? Those are the things you're asking of others, so I hope you're willing to follow through with your ideals.
Alternatively, your doom-saying is likely the same as all those before you. Untrue and soon to be proven wrong again and again as humanity thrives. Of course resources are not being utilized in the most efficient ways, but that could be remedied without turning to ill methods.