Straight edge character goes to a seedy bar

>straight edge character goes to a seedy bar
>I'll have a milk

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Name 13 movies.

Name 14 kinos where this happens.

>I’ll have a beer
>leave the bottle

Cm punk

Name 20 based kinos.

Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer.

>bartender gives a funny look
>character says I drive
>oh alright then

Beer is for fatties, I only drink whisky and vodka.

>Punketty is kino

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>Character’s dad walks into his room
>whose cumrag is this

But the protein bro, the protein

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This always annoys me. At a tyoical bar, about 10-15% of all drinks served are non-alcoholic, for various reasons. There is nothing weird about serving someone a non-alcoholic drink, and a bartender will end up doing so several times per shift.

You ever heard of a white russian? Milk and vodka

>ordering week old milk from a bar

>character goes to gas station
>gimme a pack of "cigarettes"

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You want real protein? Drink bull cum. Has so much energy and strength you will be chad in no time. Also i heard if you rub cum on your face it clears up acne.

>bartender gives a funny look
>........................................................................................................................................................................................................................I drive


Just say you're gay, we get it.

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This negro withdrawals

That looks so fucking goood i wanna be like arnold

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>Movie starts
>Disembodied voice explains the plot and/or setting of the universe
>Even in sequels based on the same premise

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Vodka is really all you can drink after years of fucking your body up with other spirits. Are you retarded?

>ordering milk at a bar is the same as ordering a coke

>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>yep. that's me. i bet you're wondering how i got myself into this situation.

90s born queers need not apply

i never really got this, do bars really stock milk? i don't know much about coctails but any that did have milk in them would just be from liqueurs that were milk-based and so wouldn't require any more

Too expensive, but I do supplement with homeless cum when I can get it

you just reveal your own ignorance.

i don't drink alcohol

t. trump