how is vince gilligan so great at writing the most unlikable, bitchiest female characters?
>lydia, hanks wife, and the heroin bitch not shown in the picture, but still apply
Better call saul
I liked them
>comparing cringe and slutpilled to based and "okay boomer"pilled
i can get liking kim, shes alright but i cant grasp how u can like skyler, lydia, hanks wife or the heroin bitch
Did you just compare HER to Kim?
Get the fuck off my board normie.
Over 50% of you miss so much subcontext in BCS that you are literally watching a television show wrong.
Probably hates his mom and they are reflections of her
He takes away reason, and accountability.
u right desu just put her there to fit the joke
You didn't like them because they were hysterical which is what all women are like 24/7. Get used to it
What do you mean?
Both are th perfect kind of women. Dedicated to the family and loyal. Yeah, Heisenberg wife's cheated on him as revenge, for him being a drug dealer.
kim is great though
>thinking Kim is unlikable or bitchy
okay retard
the showrunner in this show is Peter, not vince. Which is why there are actually good female characters here. Vince is great at coming up with interesting premises and cleverly tense situations, but not much more than that by himself. Peter contributed to the most kino parts of BB, including the creation of Saul Goodman
>which is what all women are like 24/7.
white american women are like that. You're missing out
>Injecting race into every conversation
What's wrong with you?
we've only had one conversation retard
Whats wrong with Kim?
she's not bitchy at all, her reactions are completely reasonable given Jimmy's constant shenanigans. And she's very loyal to Jimmy
>that part where she says Jimmy doesnt lie to Lalo
shit must have stung, especially since its not the first time she has said it
shit must have stung
Are all Kim is bad threads are bait at this point or people on this board are that retarded?
kim, lydia, and hanks wife are all fine
nothing, OP is just a cocklover
You can't invoke Kim in this conversation becuase you lose all credibility. She's the most fleshed out female in the universe and has been one of the best parts of Saul since its inception.
What the fuck is your problem? Kim is based and cute.
>hanks wife
HA! good one!
I would be pounding Marie's hot ass 24/7. Hank was a fat bald tranny fucking impotent manlet faggot
>You can't invoke Kim in this conversation becuase you lose all credibility. She's the most fleshed out female in the universe and has been one of the best parts of Saul since its inception.
epic soijak brother! where did you find it? /r/wojaks?
Still waiting to be refuted.
Marie and Lydia were pretty good. I don't know about you, but I don't think about whether a character is "likable" or not as my litmus test for whether they're good or not.
What makes you think you're likable? If you were written in a show, do you think everyone would like you? I find it's better to ask what makes you believable. Skyler, Lydia and Marie are all believable women. They're obnoxious at times, dumb most times, but some times, you'll catch a great look at her ass and forget why you wanted her gone in the first place
Nice arguments bro
Hank's wife was bestgirl
>hurr durr she's a theif
Who hasn't commit a little petty larceny in their time? Just another excuse for Skylar to bust someone else's balls like the judgemental bitch she is. Meanwhile she's the one who tried to return a heartfelt gift