What's his endgame?

what's his endgame?

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Consume souls of cripples

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i want to believe he's a good man
if i ever find out he's doing some creepy shit i'm going to lose what little hope i have for humanity

Post the autistic cutie

Move in on a Shriner hospital and become what Caleb never could

he just does it for the kids

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As long as I can remember I've always wanted to have progeria

Used to think he was a creep weirdo but I have come around. Seems very kind and his channel is very informative if nothing else. Also youtube is fucking him, making him one of our guys

Jimmy Savile 2.0

he's jewsh

To befriend this cynical soul

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an understanding

What condition is that? He almost looks like a dog.

To let this child know there's still hope

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yeah shes special alright

wait until shes in high school

>i want to believe he's a good man
same but his gf is just too attractive....he obviously is a shallow person so i cant trust his YT persona

To score retard pussy all across the land

To show love to the severely retarded

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i fucking hate ricky berwick so goddamn much. even if he weren't a cripple he's be a disgusting mongoloid, his boneitis only adds to the disgust.

i used to follow him on social media but since he has all the time in the fucking world all he does is reply to everything. his opinions are shit.

To find the highest quality pussy and creampie it mercilessly

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>what's his endgame?

Full Retard

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What's wrong with her?

Is there anyone more pure and innocent as this girl?

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holyshit user

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What is it about his eyes that weirds me out? Consciously I'd say he's just a smiling conventionally happy man. But theres something in the back of my mind saying not to trust him

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she could ride on a nimbus

kys tripfag

Blue eyes are creepy af man.

not if you grew up with them as family.