*traumatizes your childhood*

*traumatizes your childhood*

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Let this long curls ass sus mon try to stab me innawoods id shove a baseball bat so far up his ass he’d be the protagonist in the sequel

*kicks Warwick Davis in the head*

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>Wanted to date her the whole movie because she cute
>She's a boy at the end

Ever since my childhood I've been trying unsuccessfully prove to the world that I'm not a gay.

but the actor is a female

Yeah but the character is a boy.

Are you stupid?

Daily Reminder that this twist wouldn't be treated as a part of the "Horror" genre by modern prog-zombie audiences.

i kept wondering where this movie was going.

did they make her wear a fake peen?

I knew the Crying Game was about a dude in a dress because i saw Stargate first.

do I have to watch this gay movie. all I want to know is why he is frozen like that? was she left out in the cold?

I thought it was because he was wearing the face of the girl, the twist kind of confused me

you're so stupid...

Real guy, prosthetic face.

I would like to know

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A Sleep Away Camp thread? On Yas Forums?
No, that won't do at all...

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This. They never found the guy either, he's unknown to this day.
Td;dr killer kills people all across camp, turns out at the end it's a boy we supposedly see get killed in the opening dressing like a girl, they find her naked and staring in a horrifying expression over a dead body as the movie ends

This is the film that inspired me to become a female.

Real talk why was the kid camp in the movie full of rapey pedos.

Because the real world was too. Lots of overt pervs in this one tho

Lets spam ginger sn*ps again

I specifically remember the curling iron being shoved up a girl's vagina to kill her being far more traumatizing than the face at the end.

Best kill of the series


The movie had a lot of creative deaths.
>Ironed Vagina
>Arrow in the heart
>Boiled (I know he technically survived that)
>Chopped up kids
>Stabbed in the back through a wall

Angela was hardcore.

Very good slasher. First sequel was fun as well

I haven't watched it yet, cause I saw that it was a different writer/director for it and the third film. I did see the 2008 reboot and was sadly disappointed by it.

imagine being a child when hen this came out

I much rather would have seen her naked with a fake dick than some naked dude with a fake face.

Reboot was shit, the "4th film/prequel" I believe was a mess, and the third film sucked. 1/2 were good because they actually had a plot and centered on an actual camp.
2 was more of a horror comedy and had Bruce Springsteen's sister as Angela

I think she was 13 when the movie was made, dude.

The 4th film wasn't even a film was it? Some footage from an abandoned project that edited together. I'll definitely take a look at 2 then, thank you. Also, I highly recommend April Fool's Day for a truly comfy 80s horror experience.