YouTube starVitaly Zdorovetskiybeat the hell out of a Miami woman out for a jog on Easter Sunday ... according to cops...

>YouTube starVitaly Zdorovetskiybeat the hell out of a Miami woman out for a jog on Easter Sunday ... according to cops, who arrested him for a felony.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Vitaly was arrested Sunday night ... after a woman told cops she was jogging by herself Sunday in Miami Beach when Vitaly suddenly jumped out and tackled her to the ground. She claims he straddled her and repeatedly punched her in the chest and face.

The alleged victim told police she screamed for help during the attack -- which she said was witnessed by several residents and passersby -- so Vitaly ran back inside a nearby home. According to the docs, he was later arrested there.

First responders treated the alleged victim for a cut above her right eye that will require stitches, according to the affidavit, and she also complained of pain and soreness to her chest area.

The alleged victim told cops she had never seen or met Vitaly -- who's infamously pulled pranks such as rushing the field at the World Cup in Brazil as well as a zombie prank in Miami.

Our law enforcement sources tell us Vitaly posted a $7,500 bond Monday and has been released from custody.

Why he smiling bros?

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The fuck is this faggot?

Look at his face what did he mean by that facial expression?

Am I supposed to know who this is? I don’t keep tabs on literally who e celebs like you virgins do

>It's just a prank, bro

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Hes youtube prankster dan ballzierian friend

>beat the hell out of a Miami woman out
Thought it was fake because of this.... but no this is how people write now.

>YouTube star Vitaly

Literally who?

>YouTube star

How is it that I watch YouTube vids the entire time I’m sitting on my couch for at least 6 hours a day, and whenever a story about a “YouTube star” comes out I’ve never heard of them?

The guy that couldn’t get it up on bang bus

>give a shit about e-celebs, Yas Forums
fuck you and die in traffic you zoomer garbage

Was it chantix?

tmz has never had high journalistic standards

What's up with youtubers and shitty amateur porn?

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How much of a zoomer newfag are you? Nigga invented the youtube fake prank shit back in 2012 or whatever.

>you should care about this shit that is neither television nor films

When is America going to wake up and realize its okay to attack women?

who's the youtuber? the cumberbatch looking guy on the right, or black bald dude on the left

>actually watching and caring about YouTube pranks
You’re basically outing yourself as a zoomed once again, go back you filthy mutt. You’re the cancer of this site

>calling people zoomers for not knowing a YouTube prankster from 2012
embarrassing desu senpai

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Youtube is television and film

Ryan Boundless.

He used to be a sexpat english techer in Japan, then he made a video about how shit the working environment and some of the life in Japan is, which made weebs seethe by supercritical levels, then he made another video calling out on weebs which just made the shitstorm even bigger.
After that he lived in China for a while and currently lives in Uganda with his NUBIAN QVEEN wife.

>any faggot with a phone is television and film now because i said so

when is american going to wake up and realize it was just a prank?

when is america going to kiss goats like they do in my country?

Jokes on literally everyone in this thread:

If you care about youtube E-celebs at all you are either a newfag zoomer, or a newfag '90s millenial.

Either way you're terrible. Both categories are scum. '80s millenials are garbage, but everything after that are the living breathing embodiment of the end of the human race. you should invest in a nitrogen tank, a tube, and a bag because Helium is too good for you.


is no one going to mention the steriods?

this faggot lived in my building and was crazy then too. well he's normalish aside from typical ego and stuff people with money have but he has serious issues of some sort idk what. hes an alcoholic though and would do crazy shit and bang on peoples door after midnight. people he though were his friends in the building stayed away from him and were generally the ones calling security or the cops on him.

Fuck off, that should be common knowledge zoomer

>YouTube celebrities should be common knowledge

forgot to mention this was like 2-3 years ago, i'm pretty sure he was having money problems then so i'm pretty sure he's even worse now and just went crazy as a result of being broke ever since youtube banned those type of videos from making money. i know for a fact he's some sort of drug addict, cocaine and pills is my guess. he was always looking for some drug dealer who lived in the building but the drug dealer was always ghosting him because vitaly is unstable. also this same guy supplied drugs to busta rhymes, and ronnie from jersey shore from what I saw. people said there were other celebs or d celebs at his place which is an interesting fact.

Why if you are a celeb would you ever go to some guy's building to get drugs instead of having a middle man get it.
Plausible deniability.

can we just kill crazy normies already, specifically the most testeosterone filled "Chad" ones, human evolution doesn't need them any more even if our biology/unconsciousness hasn't realised that yet

idk, i know the guy though sort of, or at least talked to him casually when i saw him. he gave me weed and some pre rolled shit he said it was expensive and it was a new business thing he was doing but i gave it away to some bum since i'm not a degen. also he was also paranoid when feds would show up in the building and ask me info about what they were doing or looking for and offered to give me money lol. the building had lots of crazy people there so it was common to see fbi or shit like that roll through. but yeah i know he was a big coke dealer he just never outright said it. i tried to dig up info on him since i was curious and guy is like a ghost.

His "girlfriend" streaked the UCL game

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