ITT: Pitch your dream movie

A Hitler and Stalin buddy cop movie where they gotta stop WW1 from breaking out in an alternate history Europe. At some point in the film they fight a giant spider, that's all I got so far.

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Produced by Jon Peters, I assume?

If i had 1 billion dollars I would give you every penny to make this masterpiece. The only condition is that the spider must be voiced by Joe Pesci.

A 70s-style erotic lesbian exploitation film taking place in an upper-class 16th century Catholic girl's boarding school. It follows the new girl, an orphan & devout Christian who got in on a scholarship. Her two new roommates, friendly at first, are secretly satanists, & rope her into causing chaos & various sexual encounters.
Cast includes-
>Mackenzie Foy as the new girl
>Dafne Keen as her roommate, the charismatic head of the drama club
>Sadie Sink as her airheaded best friend
>Jodie Foster as the headmistress
>Elle Fanning & Anya taylor-Joy as the girl's strict prefects
>Eva Green as the sultry French professor (with Lea Seydoux as her assistant)
>Natalie Portman as the nervous & clumsy arithmetic professor
>Alexandria Daddario as their demanding PE professor
>Winnona Ryder as their scatterbrained visual arts professor
>Emma Stone as their young but passionate science professor
>Meryl Streep as their drama professor
>Nicole Kidman as the head mother of the nunnery
>Emilia Clarke as a newly ordained nun & whimsical music professor
>Bryce Dallas Howard as the loving and motherly groundskeeper
>a plethora of hebes and lolis as the other students/drama club members (Kiernan Shipka, McKenna Grace, Suri Cruise, etc)
>and, obviously, myself as the only male character (Mackenzie's good-hearted older boyfriend)
Most of the budget will be used on the undoubtedly ludicrous paychecks of the star-studded cast. I'll also spare no expense in hiring absolute titans of the industry as crew (Emmanuel Lubezki as DP, Walter Murch as editor/sound designer, Johnny Greenwood as composer, etc). If no location can be found with interiors suitable for the film, sets will need to be built. It will be shot on 70mm film & will have a 3+ hour runtime (including an overture and intermission).
Sex scenes will be scattered throughout the film (& of course cover every character). They'll be tasteful, but unsimulated, and completely unflinching in their photography.

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Scary how? How am I scary?

Honestly? In a world where Jojo rabbit got made, your idea doesn't sound that absurd

Period pic about Ho Chi Minh’s adventures as a French newspaper correspondent covering the great Mississippi flood of 1927.
Apparently he saw gun battles on levees between thugs hired by big property owners and sharecroppers, people conscripted into work crews at gun point, all kinds of crazy shit, all corroborated

sounds pretty based, but it also sounds like a short skit on Rick and Morty.

Gonna use this scenario to rub one out tonight.
Give me some Mackenzie pairings, preferably ones with the faculty, please

A reboot of the Star Wars prequel trilogy using the script of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon only adapted to Star Wars as Episode 1
Li Mu Bai is a young Obi Wan
Gender Flip Jen Yu is young Anakin as a slave, not aristocrat
Obi Wan's love interest is a Jedi Master in Shu Liens role
Jade Fox is Darth Maul
Sir Te is Senator Organa

>using the shopped stalin pic

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Time travelers go back to stop 9/11 but become radicalised by Islam so they actually want to help make it worse however they fuck up the hijacking so 9/11 never happens but on 9/12 the twin towers collapse anyway due to structural defects killing way more people than 9/11 would have because no one had the chance to escape

>At some point in the film they fight a giant spider, that's all I got so far.
Hitler meets his biological father, Jose Rizal, and takes a turn for the worse after learning he belongs to the most POWERFUL race on the planet: Filipinos.

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u wot m8

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A horror movie where a family moves into a new house. And then thousands upon thousands of brown recluse spiders start pouring out of every nook and cranny of the house.

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An alternate-history fantasy/sci-fi version of WWII.
In 1918 Nikola Tesla accidentally breaches the barriers into the hidden inter-dimensional spaces that elves, satyrs, dwarves and countless other mythical races fled to more than two millennia prior to escape the encroaching threat of mankind. The United States Government reestablishes contact with them with the help of Tesla, keeping them a secret from the public. While "magic" on its own is limited and weak, over the next decade the supernatural knowledge shared by these races revolutionizes technology and forwards it in major jumps allowing for everything from the premature invention of television to robot-like power-armor and ambulatory tanks. In 1929 the US officially discloses the existence of these mythical races to the shocked public and the world at large, and cultural integration begins.

The series takes place 10 years after this in a mythical/supernaturally charged version of WWII.
Nazi dragon-riders and anti-gravity saucers devastating downtown London. The Japanese using giant sea-serpents to sink the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor. Squads of Mermaids sapping submarines with explosive charges. Humans, Elves and Orcs charging the beaches of Normandy with M1-A1's and magically-enhanced grenades, as its defended by Nazi Harpies, Dryads and Necromancers in power-armor puppeteering battalions of undead SS troops.

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Why are brutalist dictators always so handsome in their younger years, Yas Forums?

You don't become a dictator without charisma. A big part of said charisma is being generally attractive, nobody would follow a fat ugly bastard.

Charlie's Angels Meets the A-Team

Mussolini and Mao

Mao I will give you but Mussolini was literally a chiseled body-builder before and during his career in politics.
Part of Italy's propaganda campaign was countless and widely-circulated photo-shoots of Mussolini doing things like posing and flexing his muscles or plowing fields with actual farmers with his shirt off.

You stole this script treatment from me

This is actually interesting

They aren't this is a fake photo of Stalin, he looked uglier than this.

Take your meds

One of his most distinctive facial features was his pockmark scars from smallpox as a child, lots of stuff has been censored out though

german and russian soldiers band together in a cease fire to fight man eating wolves during world war one. the grey meets 1917.

Stalin looks like a homosexual

>A Hitler and Stalin buddy cop movie where they gotta stop WW1 from breaking out in an alternate history Europe.

Fun fact: Hitler and Stalin, along with a surprising number of other historically-influential people, were living in Vienna (the capitol city, i.e. the same city where the Arch Duke of Austria lived), in the same part of the city, at the same time back in the first couple months of 1913, in our universe. They even frequented some of the same cafes.
In our world it's completely possible that Stalin could have dropped his hat and had it handed back to him by Adolf Hitler or something of that nature.

Trump tho