Is it gay to love musicals?

Is it gay to love musicals?

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only if you're gay.

unironically yes. Now fuck off to

No, but it is hella gay to live Wicked.

Yes but that's ok. For me it's Into the Woods.

Not good ones. If it has kristen chenowth or idina menzel its ok to like.

I appreciate musicals for what they are.
I don't care what anyone says.
I just don't tell people.

Not even in the slightest. Notice how the guys who say musicals are gay are the same ones watching sports with big beefy niggers pummeling each other in practical orgy piles?

Yes, and being gay is fairly kino

the answer lies within your heart

modern musicals? perhaps. older musicals are alpha as fuck

not as gay as just listening to the musicals soundtrack but not seeing the actual production, but still slightly gay.
but that's okay.


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They're pretty gay, but you don't have to suck a dick afterwards if you don't want to.

I’ve seen DreamGirls more times than I can count and still belt out “And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going“ loudly while my girlfriend mocks my thespian faggotry

Zero shame

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Wicked pleb filter:
Pleb: Idrina Menzel
Patrician: Rachael Tucker

I saw West Side Story in 70mm at Seattle Cinerama last year. AMA

Best performance of Defying Gravity:
Rachael Tucker's final London show

the medium isn't inherently gay, but its definitely saturated by gay producers, writers, actors, etc., so that makes it kind of gay that you like stuff that gay people make.

is there a more kino scene in a musical that this?

reminder that the creator of Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda, is a huge fan of FALN Terrorist and bomber Oscar Lopez Rivera. So much so, that when obama pardoned him for completely unknown reasons, Miranda welcomed him with open arms
>Miranda gave Lopez Rivera a free ticket to see “Hamilton” and personally took him to the show. It turns out that there’s actually an answer to the question “Who do you have to kill to get a ticket to ‘Hamilton?’” and the answer is “Harold Sherburne, Frank Connor, James Gezork, Alejandro Berger, and Charles Steinberg.”
>One grotesque irony of this is the location of FALN’s most infamous bombing. Sherburne, Connor, Gezork, and Berger were murdered by FALN while they were eating lunch in the Fraunces Tavern. That is the place George Washington gave his farewell to his officers in 1783.
>192 years later, The duffel [bag], which carried a bomb consisting of roughly ten sticks of dynamite and a propane tank, detonated at 1:22 p.m. The immense explosion collapsed the staircase and blew a hole in the floor seven feet wide. Windows and plate-glass doors shattered in buildings up and down Broad Street; a truck parked outside was wrecked, tossed on its side. The thin wall to the Bissell dining room evaporated. Sitting behind it, Frank Connor and Alex Berger were killed instantly; Jim Gezork would die on the operating table. All around, bodies were thrown into the air, people somersaulting through a blizzard of deadly flying glass. Knives and forks zinged through the restaurant like angry bees, impaling a number of diners; doctors would later remove cutlery from a dozen or more patients. More than forty people were badly injured in the Bissell dining room alone. The force of the explosion erupted upward as well, sending a single floor nail firing through the ceiling like a bullet, where it tore through the bottom of a chair and ripped into the body of a sixty-six-year-old banker named Harold Sherburne, killing him.

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have you had your test levels checked?

Not really. I enjoy musicals and I'm in a perfectly happy heterosexual relationship.

Yas Forums is that way —>

i can't wait for the race war.

Yes? Everyone dude I met that was into it was gay. Coincidence?

wtf I love Lin-Manuel Miranda now

shit fucked up the pic
ah yes, its Yas Forums to be against terrorism, got it faggot

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He was already a lame unfunny faggot with a lame political sjw play. Who gives a fuck

Yes. Stage plays are fine but musicals are inherently faggy.
Fag cope.

yes, unless your name is jimmy

(Yas Forums is too pleb to get this reference)

Pirates of Penzance is classic.

I have a theatre degree and I fucking hate musicals. If you can relate to a story about singing and dancing to express your feelings you are actively living the life of a faggot.

>Puerto Rico has their own version of the IRA
>and the same muh heritage supporters in the US
cringe, why pardon them? It's not like they have a lot of negotiating power for a Good Friday type agreement

So is the real real Obama killed bin laden revenge for the Soviet Union?

Yes it kind of is. I actually saw Wicked as part of a school trip. Didn't enjoy it.

It's only gay if your balls touch.

I cant listen to the climax of Defying Gravity without sobbing like a baby. No idea what's wrong with me.

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idk but clinton did the same in the 90's so Hillary could get her senate seat in New York

They're no Renata Tebaldi

Do you really think you caring about this or posting about it is accomplishing something?

This board is more for people who want to talk about kinos

fuck yes.

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>cringe, why pardon them?

Well in this particular case, the guy was already the longest serving FALN member in prison ever, he was already in his seventies, iirc, and he was otherwise going to spend the rest of his life in prison because he had something like 50-70 year long sentence.

no shit he had a life sentence, he blew up a building and killed people

Take me to that special blowjob place

Never seen the musical but I tried reading the book this was based off and just could not do it because it was written so fucking terribly.

Shame because I like the concept a lot.

I wouldn't watch this shit but that poster always turned me on